Bye 2012! It was great, at least what I could remember! I can't believe another year has gone by. It seriously went by so quick I feel like it should only be May! Is that part of getting old? The years just fly by now?
2012 has been interesting. It was definitely a very rough year for us but at the same time I feel like that just gives us more to look forward to in 2013. However, 2012 brought us Baby Trent that I am oh so thankful for. At least right now until he makes me pull my hair out. He has been just the most amazing baby ever. His personality is so different from Chase and in a way he is more difficult but he never fails to bring a smile to my face and just want to love on him! He is the sweetest and happiest baby for the most part. Although, it didn't start off that way, it sure turned out well. After having Trent, I feel like I really need to prioritize my life a little better and re-motivate myself. For a while, pretty much since I've been working here I feel stuck. I feel unmotivated because I'm so mentally drained from my job that I just want to melt once I'm off. I feel like I've put it off long enough and I need to somehow further my education or at least move towards furthering my career. I have a full blown family now, two kids. I want to be able to buy our own home, get the cars we want, live comfortably and be able to do things with and for my family. At this rate, we're not going to be able to do that. So 2013 is going to be about making our house a home. Doing things to make our life feel more stable. Motivate myself to get a move on life and not let life move on without me.
So 2013 resolutions:
Go back to school: whether it be a certificate program or actually trying to figure out something I would want as a career. I need to figure something out. I'm contemplating doing radio broadcasting type of classes. I feel like I don't belong in my industry. I want to do something fun. I don't need to be a radio personality (although I think I would make a great one) but I would like to be behind the works. I just want to do something in a fun environment. That and I get a business degree and try to get a management position. Get my licenses and stay in my industry.
Try to be more patient: I know this seems cliche, but really it has been a test. Especially with Chase being 2, he definitely puts my patience to the test. Except now, I'm gonna have to do it all over again in another year or so when Trent gets older so I should start working on this patience thing now.
Buy a new bed & mattress: yes, this is a resolution. Our mattress sucks. We can literally hear the springs popping underneath us as we sleep and I've had that thing since I was 20.
Get back in shape; maybe even volleyball: I know I'm not going to be a volleyball addict like I use to be. Play 3-4 times a week. I know that's not realistic, but I would like to be able to play open gym once a week and tournaments at least once a month. I want to feel natural at it again. Most of all, I want my toned body back.
Start one of my business ventures: I know this one is a little far fetched. There has been a couple things I've wanted to do, like starting a clothing line, making friendship bracelets and donating a portion of the profits to this organization I believe strongly in called love146.
Make our house a home: This one is quite important to me. We have lived here for about 2.5 years now and well, we haven't really done much to the place. We plan on living where we are for a while longer until we save up and am able to buy our own place. I would like to have some potted plants on our patio, patch up the holes in our walls, paint the place and our cabinets. Just make it seem more like a home instead of a place we just moved into.
Get married?: Personally, I don't care how long we stay engaged for because to me it doesn't change anything. We are still together at the end of the day. We are going to go home and still have the same routine with two kids. It doesn't make me feel any more or any less committed to him. I know, this is a bigger deal to Brandon so we are actually going to try and plan something. At least start. We know we don't have any money and can't afford very much so this is going to be the tough one.