Tuesday, May 15, 2012

12 Weeks Left!!

I've been desperate to blog but I can't find the time since I've been so busy at work. FINALLY I'm catching a break to..catch up? lol.

I have my doctors visit today so hopefully I'll find out how much more weight I've gained along with when I'll officially be starting my maternity leave (thank goodness). I don't really keep track of how far along I am until someone asks me. Then I just kind guess. I have this app on my phone from What to Expect and it tells me how far along I am and how much more I've got to go along with some weekly and daily updates on growth. I don't check it very often until I'm reminded to. I officially have 12 weeks and 1 day (but who's counting that one day) left! I can't believe how fast time has flown by and now that it's closer I have to get moving on some things!

I don't know if its common for second pregnancies to be a little neglected. The first one is new and exciting and you don't really know what to expect so you're all about it. With this one, I'm just kinda like, when the baby comes he'll come. Bad mentality. Now all these things that I thought I had so much time for..I REALLY DON'T! One thing I'm quite disappointed in myself about is working out. I remember talking about working out more and maintaining a healthier and stronger body so after the baby I can get back into volleyball sooner. So I've decided now that it's warmer I'm going to start going on walks with my neighbor and friend Kat. I HATE WALKING but its not so bad when you're doing it with someone else. Plus I bring Chase so pushing about 25-30 lbs is a good workout as well and he gets to go outside and enjoy the ride. I only started this past Saturday but my hips and shins were killing me. My legs do feel a little tighter today. We're going to try and go every Saturday. We're also going to try yoga together Sunday! I'm REALLY excited about that. I got a free 3 day pass to 24hour fitness to see if I even like yoga first. I've never done it before but it seems like it's something that will tone my body out and help me relax. God knows I could use a little relaxation right now, esp mentally! I'll have to update on how yoga goes.

Another big thing is...baby name. Everyone keeps asking me have you thought of a name yet? I go mmm we like Hunter, but besides that we haven't really sat down and talked or thought about it. Well I look at accounts all day so I see all sorts of different names. I saw the name Trent and instantly I loved it. It was a name that I had forgotten about for a while since I don't know anyone named Trent, but I do remember this MTV cartoon I use to watch called Daria and Daria's best friend's brothers name was Trent and he was so cute (for a cartoon). I really like that name it's masculine, strong and unique. So on my way home I looked up what the name Trent means and it means traveler, journey across. Ilike that. Traveler.

I suggested the name to Brandon and since Hunter was something we both really liked we decided on Trent Hunter Chalecki. I'm getting more and more excited as my due date is approaching. I feel like now that it's close enough I can get excited about it. Interesting enough Chase Ryder is like the reciprocated version of Trent Hunter since Chase means huntsmen and Trent means traveler (ryder).

I can't believe I've only got about 3 months left to go. I'm excited, nervous, worried, thrilled, anxious but hesitant all at the same time. I'm interested to see who baby Trent is going to look like.

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