Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Surviving the Sixth Week and My Postpartum Body

Let me start off by saying...I can't believe it's been 6 weeks already. It feels like it has been a long time, but yet it's going by slow? I mean Trent is still a newborn to me and still getting use to things. In that sense it's slow. In reality though, next thing you know he's going to start baby food, sitting, crawling and he'll be turning 2.

It still has been kind of tough for me in the day time. He seems to be sleeping more but when he's not sleeping he seems to be crying or wants to be held. I think part of the reason why is because he's not full enough when I nurse? When I top him off with an ounce of formula he seems to knock right out or is more content. It's weird, he wants to be held upright but he fights it at the same time. He doesn't like it when I hold him in the cradle position. He's a really strong baby. He holds his head up and tries to fly out of my arms a lot. He's definitely gaining more weight and I'm still supplementing about 2-3 bottles of formula a day. I think Similac makes him constipated so I switched to Enfamil Newborn to see if it makes a difference. He just grunts and seems like he's trying so hard to poop or fart. He definitely has no problem farting though. Maybe it's just how he likes to "do his business." He still wakes up 3-4 times at night, but it's not as bad as I remembered being with Chase. I still have memories of myself in the middle of the night rocking in the chair crying with Chase because I was so tired and frustrated that every time I put him down he would just wake up and cry. But then again, I think if I did that with Trent he would do the same. My thing is I put him in the swing for about 30 minutes before I go to bed then I move him to the bassinett. In the middle of the night I feed him and put him in the swing. My intention was to do the same, let him swing for 30 minutes while I sleep on the couch and move him into the bassinett, but I always knock out til he cries again so that has been a little unsuccessful. Thank goodness for the swing though!

I'm still undecided about whether I want to continue nursing or just do straight formula after he's reached 8 weeks. I guess 8 weeks is the recommended time that you breastfeed to at least before switching to formula. I might just keep doing what I do and let me body make the decision. Formula is expensive.

On another note, let's talk about Chase. I feel really bad when it's just me and him at home and he wants my attention or wants me to play with him and I can't because I'm constantly nursing or holding the baby because he's crying. I feel bad, like I'm neglecting him. Some times, I feel like we are robbing him of his childhood of being an only child and getting all of our attention and love. I just gotta keep reminding myself that once Trent is a little older, he's going to love having a little brother. My friend Kat said that Trent is the best present I can give Chase. I gave him a little brother to play with . It's just a gift he can't use yet. I was watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Kourtney talks about how she's sad for Mason because he's not going to be an only child anymore. That's kind of how I feel. I do cherish the alone time I get with Chase when it's just me and him sitting on the couch watching T.V and I have my arms around him. Reminds me of when it was just me and him. He wants my attention so badly he always just grabs my hand and makes me sit down with him and he says "me." He has also been testing his boundaries more lately. He just stands there when I tell him to do something and looks at me. Throwing mini temper tantrums over nothing. We stand firmly in our ways of discipline. We don't budge or let him get away with anything. Even if it seems like the most tiny thing, we stand our ground. I'm a little tougher than my fiance. I think we always have to play good cop bad cop. So far, he doesn't act out of line often and some times if I catch it early he'll even stop and say sorry mama and put his head on me. I think we're doing a really good job on parenting, but no one really knows until later. I mean we are only doing what we think is right but no one can be sure. Everyone's different. We can only hope that we're doing the right thing. Yes, we believe in tough love. I do believe in spanking for the right reasons. Some parents might not agree. That's okay whatever works for you.

Here's a picture of Trent today. He's so cute when he smiles :)

My Postpartum Body (Road to Recovery Week 6)

Today I went to my doctor's appointment and I weigh 109lbs. I think I'm going to be stuck at that weight considering I was 110 a couple weeks ago. I'm actually comfortable with that weight since I've always wanted to gain a couple pounds. The thing is I have this flab on my stomach that is just fat and I think I need to exercise to get rid of that. I also have the ugliest looking belly button right now. It looks like my belly button has aged 50 years and it's all wrinkly. Time to workout!

We also talked about birth control today. I don't think I want to take the pill anymore. It's just a lot of work and I don't want to take anymore chances on having unplanned pregnancies. I was talking to my doctor about something more long term and since I'm breastfeeding the only option for me is the IUD. It's a plastic thing they place INSIDE your uterus and you leave it in for 5 years. It sounds nice, something I don't have to worry about for 5 years..but uh putting it in my uterus?!? That sounds painful! I'm going to do some research and ask around to see if anyone I know has it and give me their input on it.

As you can see, that lower gut flab thing is just not going away!!! Hopefully, exercise REALLY will take care of that..

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