Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weaning the bottle and the 1 year clean up.

I know Chase is not that much older than Trent, but I already forgot how and what I did with Chase when he turned 1!! I think I didn't quite kick the bottle until at least a month after he turned 1.

Well with Trent, I decided to start early. So far he has gone 2 whole bottle free days. It's a little bit rougher because he doesn't nap as well. He was drinking a 6 oz bottle every 3 hours with baby food and snacks in between. So, I think with the lack of bottles he's just really hungry! He's also on full milk. I started last week with the 4:2 formula to milk ratio and by the time it was the weekend I just went to straight milk.

Can I get a HALLELUJAH?!?
No more having to spend all this money on formula. No more spending money on baby food. I get to clear off a whole shelf dedicated to bottles in my kitchen cabinet. I've been cleaning out all the baby stuff. All the breast pumps, receiving blankets, burp cloths and just tons and tons of clothes. Trent's already in 18 month clothes! In celebration of the 1 year mark I think I might even burn my nursing bras! Getting pass that 1 year is such a big milestone. Every year is different but it's such a drastic change. It's like this freedom. The only downside is that I don't think he's at an age where he should be eating the school lunch that they provide. It's just not really baby friendly. He's not going to like eating hamburgers and bean burritos. So, I'm back to packing snacks and meals. I did that with Chase when he was Trent's age except now I feel like it's so much more work. I've been packing healthy snacks for Chase as well. String cheese, yogurt, apple slices. I feel like with Chase I was more health conscious because I had the time.

Trent is still not attempting to walk yet. I remember Chase taking steps already at this age. It's bad to compare, but it's hard not to. Trent is so much fun right now and I think Chase is starting to notice more interaction between us and Trent. I'm starting to see a little bit more attention seeking and wanting to act like Trent. Hopefully, we just keep Chase on the right track and keep on him with discipline and explaining things to him and he'll stay the sweet little boy that he is.

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