Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Babymoon =D

I was doing the dishes the other day and Brandon comes up to me and goes, "I think we should go and get away somewhere before the baby comes. Even if it's just getting a hotel room in Newport, I just want to lounge in the hotel room all day with you and lay out by the pool." I tell him, OMG YOU WANT TO GO ON A BABYMOON?!? Of course he's like what the heck is a babymoon blah blah.

I've talked about what a great idea I thought it was when I heard Nick Lachey and Vanessa Milano did that. I didn't really think we would do that nor would Brandon suggest it. Our lives now revolve around Chase that I just realized how little time we have to spend with just us. Even when it is, we have so much to do around the house or we are exhausted. I started looking around online, hotels.com and just plain Google to see if there were any local locations that we can actually afford to stay at a decent hotel! My hopes were growing dim because everything that I was searching for the weekend that we would go was at least $100 and above. We can't really afford to spend $200+ to stay at a hotel. Especially in the month of July since we have sooo much stuff to pay for, like Chase's birthday party, Diaper party and just baby prep stuff. 

This morning I was doing my daily Groupon routine and looked hopefully in the Getaway section. I had found hope! Something that would fit our budget and far enough to feel like a vacation and a nice enough place that we feel like it's a getaway.

I am SOOOOO excited to get away with my babes! The last time Brandon and I actually stayed in a hotel by ourselves, was probably the night of our anniversary 3 years ago. I think this is something that we both really need. Having such a crazy and hectic schedule really makes you forget the romance. What it was like in the very beginning and what it's like to be alone together. I'm so glad that Brandon suggested this and I think this is something we both could really use before our lives gets hit by a tornado!

The Sili Squeeze

So I was dropping Chase off at school yesterday and another mother was there with her baby girl and we just started chatting about when I'm due, "how am I feeling", you know the usual mommy conversations. Then she asked me if I had gotten one of the flyers for her sister's product, The Sili Squeeze. She gave me a flyer and told me the idea of the product and it seemed interesting so I went and checked out the website. Thought I'd share it with the mothers out there.

So the idea of The Sili Squeeze, is a spill proof, leak-proof way to transport pureed food on the go. She told me that they even tried stepping on it to see if it would squirt the food out and it still didn't. Don't we all love convenience! Especially clean convenience! How it works is the baby/toddler just has to bite down on the mouth piece (like many other types of sippy cups) and squeeze on the soft bottle part. They even make The Sili Squeeze with Ease for older toddlers that doesn't require the bite down and has an easy flow valve. That way I guess it's still usable for when they are older and it's more like a water bottle!

It's also BPA and phthlate free, dishwasher safe and eco-friendly. You know how mom's love BPA free products!

I haven't gotten one to try for myself yet, but I can definitely see this as being something that is nice to have. Esp when you're out and about and you want to give your child something to eat in the car, but hate the fact that you're trying to look in the backseat every 5 minutes to make sure they're not making a mess. It's good for smoothies, pureed baby food and the website even gives you recipes to try.

It's available in 4 different cute colors and in a 4oz or 6oz size. They also have replacement nipples.

Monday, June 25, 2012

6 Weeks 1 1/2 Day Left...

Having a pregnant belly is like walking around with a sign that says "topic of discussion." I go to the bathroom, break room and I have random women or coworkers always ask me "how are you feeling?"  I always answer with, oh I'm doing good. I barely feel pregnant at all. 

I've been very fortunate to have very easy going pregnancies. Hell, I'm so easy going I think both my fiance and I forget that I am sometimes. He sure as hell can't complain. I don't get moody, no crazy cravings, no morning sickness and I'm in a good mood (for the most part)! Lately, when people ask me how I'm doing I realize my answer has become more and more grouchy. Now when they ask me, "how are you feeling?" My answer is always a complaint. "Oh, I'm uncomfortable..I can't sleep. I'm grumpy."

So how long does it take until a perfectly healthy pregnant woman go from happy-go-lucky pregnant to I'm-so-over-it pregnant? 8 months and 2 weeks. I've officially become that miserable, grumpy pregnant woman that just wants to go on maternity leave so I can relax and not have to physically do a thing. 

I've never let my pregnancy interfere with my daily life. I still cooked, cleaned, bathe Chase, carry him up and down the stairs, grocery shop..the list goes on. I guess I didn't believe in "milking" my pregnancy. I must say, this time around physically it has been a lot more draining for me. I think it's because I have Chase to chase after, so I literally feel like I don't have any time to physically or mentally relax. When I say relax, I mean lay in bed or on the couch all day and not have to worry, chase, cater or scold. Most of all, I mean sleeping in. I've always been a creature that requires A LOT of sleep. One that thing I definitely do miss about being childless, is being able to sleep in til whenever I want. Actually make that two, I also would like to nap whenever I please. I don't get the luxury of sleep anymore. Of all the things I've sacrificed, that is the only thing I yearn for the most. I don't care that I can't sit down and enjoy my food, I don't care that we no longer go out and eat at restaurants when ever we please, I don't care that my sleeves has become a napkin for his nose. I don't care about any of that. I just wished on the weekend, I could sleep until I want to wake up. I want to be able to fall asleep on the couch while watching TV whenever I please. 

Okay, I'm getting off track. My point is, I feel like I went from I'm doing great as a pregnant woman to I don't want to be pregnant anymore. I want my old body back, I want to be able to sleep somewhat comfortably without backaches, without tossing and turning, without tasting stomach acid in the back of my throat while I'm asleep, without peeing 3 times a night.  I want to be able to clean and not feel repercussions later. 

Yesterday, I went into this crackhead cleaning mode. I cleaned for about 2 hours or more probably, did 3 loads of laundry, vacuumed, cleaned the floors, wiped cabinet doors, ceiling, dusted, wiped things down. I was on a freaking roll. I was pumped with so much adrenaline that I didn't really feel like my pregnancy was weighing me down at all. Hell, I was standing on my kitchen counter to wipe the stains off my kitchen ceiling! When I had finally stopped and the adrenaline wore off..oh my god. I would never randomly think wouldn't a  foot soak be nice (considering I've never had one), but man that's what I felt like would soothe my feet. My back was aching so bad that when I tried to stand up, I almost felt like I needed help just to straighten up! I was bent over like I needed some WD40 to grease me up! I felt really drained by the end of the day like I had been walking for hours. 

I think I only have about 2 more weeks of work left til I'm off. I'm excited because one I don't have to make that crazy drive anymore and two that gives me time to actually get stuff done around the house. 

I can't believe we're gonna have another baby. I know I complain about how drained I am now, but I know I'm going to regret it when I spend the next year waking up multiple times throughout the night. I'm hoping that this time, Trent would get the Chu's sleeping pattern and sleep through the night. 

Chase might look like me, but he's totally Brandon. He has his dad's personality. Stubborn as a mule, easily frustrated, light sleeper, likes to throw things and impatient. Here's a funny story. We're teaching Chase to put different shapes into this toy. He got so frustrated when he couldn't figure out where the star goes, he managed to fit a star shape through the circle slot lol. He made it work somehow. That is Brandon for you. If it's not working, you hit it til it works and if it still doesn't work, you throw it. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Cold Remedy for the Little Booger

Okay, so I posted recently about how Chase was sick and it was just so heart wrenching to hear him cough. I found out later that one of the kids in his class had borderline pneumonia and the other had bronchitis. Something like that..

Whenever Chase gets sick or starts showing signs of sickness I try to cure it right away. I don't really like to give him any medication unless he absolutely needs it. For instance, mild fever? Unless he is miserable and seems listless I don't usually give him any Tylenol.

So anyways, when he got sick recently and it started off as this dry cough and later turning into this congestion I really didn't know what to do. I started doing a mixture of Chinese and American Culture remedies. It seemed to help because Chase still had a cough, but he definitely was not coughing for as long and not coughing through the night. That was the main thing for me, not coughing through the night to a point where he couldn't sleep.

I thought I'd share my little remedy that I used on Chase. Maybe someone else would find it helpful as well. *KEEP IN MIND* Chase is over the age of ONE where it is safe for him to have honey.

    1. CUT THE DAIRY. Yes, no milk. I gave in and only gave him half a cup of warm milk at night if he absolutely asked for it. Dairy causes congestion, phlegm. 
    2. Use a humidifier. Although I didn't use it this time because ours has algae in it, I always use a cool mist humidifier when he's sick or even when we have the heater on so it's not so dry in his room.
    3. In the morning, I would substitute his milk for warm water with honey. I've stopped the honey, but because I can still hear a little congestion in his voice I still give him warm water. It helps dilute mucous. They actually say it's best to drink a glass of warm water when you first wake up and before you sleep to help dilute your mucous.
    4. CUT THE COLD STUFF. That's right, I know it's 100 degrees out, but room temperature or warm water only. Cold drinks will contribute to the cough.
    5. I used baby rub on his chest before bed time. 
    6. To loosen up the boogers and dried snot, I use saline spray religiously. It's non medicated so you can use it as often as you like. The only thing is he hates it! Try to have him lay down when you spray it so it really gets in there, then use the aspirator bulb to suck out the yuckies.
    7. Make sure he stays warm. Everyone knows when you're in the cold with a cold, you cough. Make sure he's wearing socks or footed pajamas and it's warm in the room when he's sleeping.
    8.  Little Cold's Honey Elixir. It's all natural, non-medicated. You can give this to babies 1 years and older every 2-4 hours. I gave this to Chase in the morning, when he got home from school and before bed. When it was the weekend I gave it to him every 2-3 hours. I don't know if it's this stuff that really works, or just a combination of everything. But he didn't cough himself awake after I started using it.

There you go people. Those are the tips that I have. Give it a try if you're desperate next time and see if it really works! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tag you're it! - 40 Beauty Questions

Saw this post from my baby sis Nhi's blog. Thought I'd steal it for myself and try to kill some time =)

-How many times do you wash your face daily?
Twice a day. Once in the morning with a gentle cleanser and once at night in the shower with a scrub. I guess sometimes more than twice if I shower early in the afternoon, I'll wash my face again at night before bed.

-What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo)
Combo. Oily T-Zone and dry cheeks.

-What is your current facial wash?
I use The Body Shop Tea Tree Blackhead Exfoliating Wash in the shower, and the Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Facial Cleanser in the morning.

-Do you exfoliate?

-What brand do you use?
The Body Shop Tea Tree Blackhead Exfoliating Wash.

-What moisturizer do you use?
At night I use The Body Shop Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion and in the day time I use The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion.

-Do you have freckles?

-Do you use eye cream?
You know what I did for a little bit. I used the Nivea cream for an eye cream but I guess I just haven't made it into a habit yet..

-Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
Yes, I broke out at 6th grade. My best friend's little sister would call me Spottie Dottie face. How embarrassing right?!? It has gotten SO MUCH better throughout the years, but for some reason I've been getting jawline acne. 

-Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?
No, but I've wanted to try. I'm hesitant because I hear very mixed things about the results.

-What foundation do you use?
I only wear foundation under my nose. It's been a habit that I can't seem to break. I use to break out under my nose a lot and it would leave dark blemish scars and it makes me look like I have a mustache! I use to use the Covergirl Aquafresh. I used it for YEARS! I recently switched to the Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse. 

-How about concealer?
I use concealer under my eyes for more of a highlight but I rarely even do that. 

-Do you know your undertone color?
I have no idea. Yellow? lol.

-What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I LOVE the way fake lashes look but I hate the way they feel. It's more of a night out thing for me. I don't know how people can wear them everyday. Maybe it's just me, but they're a pain in the butt and I always worry about them peeling and me not knowing. Then I just look dumb with half my lashes dangling.

-Did you know that you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
I knew it was something like that..

-What brand of mascara do you use?
I don't really wear mascara. I feel like it doesn't do enough for my lashes that I want to wear it every day. I recently got the Benefits BADgal as a sample and I really like it! Before that was the CoverGirl Lash Blast.

-Sephora or MAC?
I love my MAC make-up, but going in Sephora is like a candy store. 

-Do you have a MAC Pro-card?

-What makeup tools do you use in make up application?
A defined liner brush for gel liners. Ever since I started using gel liners, I've never gone back to pencil or liquid. My angled eyebrow brush. I could not live without that because eyebrows are mandatory! I use the E.L.F Studio "C" Brush for eyeshadow and blush brush.

-Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
Yes, primer is a must for eye make-up! I use MAC paint pot in rubenesque as a primer or NYX eye primer if I'm going for a matte look.

-For the face?
I don't usually, but occasionally I've been using the E.L.F face primer on my cheeks only. I feel that it helps my blush last throughout the day.

-What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
My favorite shadow is actually a pigment from MAC called TAN. It's shimmery and light. I love it for an everyday look. I usually revolve around brown and nude shades.

-Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
I use gel liner on top and bottom. Occasionally, I use bottom on my bottom. If I do use pencil liner, I usually go over it with a shadow to set in the liner. It helps keep it from smudging.

-How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
Lol, occassionally.

-What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
I love pigment shadows! I love that you can dab a little bit of water on your brush and create an even more dramatic look or just use it plain!

-Do you use mineral makeup?
I have some, but I rarely use it.

-What is your favorite lipstick?
Right now, MAC in Angel and Benefit's in Lady's Choice.

-How about lipgloss?
Mmm, I'm not really a gloss person. I hate that it's so sticky and my hair gets stuck to my lips when the wind blows. But if I do wear any, it's the Beauty Rush lipgloss from Victoria Secret.

-What is your favorite blush to use?
I don't really have a lot of blushes. I have one that I usually use on a daily basis and it's the MAC powder blush in Well Dressed.

-Do you buy your makeup on ebay?
No, I don't buy anything from ebay.

-Do you like drugstore makeup?
Yes, I'm a total bargain shopper. I can't afford to splurge on name brand make-up's all the time.

-Do you go to CCO's? (cosmetic company outlets)
What's that? 

-Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
I would love to just for fun! I would like to go to beauty school just for fun, but that's way too expensive!

-Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
ISometimes yes. Esp with mascara. I am clumsy sometimes with my eyeliner too. Especially when you're trying to line your eyes at 5AM in the morning half asleep with barely any lighting. It's hard to make sure both eyes are even!

-Name a makeup crime that you hate?
Bad eyebrows. I myself was a victim of that when I was young. I had the drawn in eyebrows. Terrible. I also hate it when people look like they're wearing pounds of powder and face make-up.

-Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
I stil to very neutral eye colors. Sometimes when I'm feeling crazy I do some dramatic bright colors with a very casual white tee and jeans look. 

-Which celebrity always has great make up?
Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian. 

-If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use?
....just one? that's so hard! I guess if it's JUST ONE, it'll be shading in my eyebrows. 

-Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Rarely. Even if it's just eyeliner and eyebrows, I almost 98% of the time have to put that on. I'm trying to let myself use to not wearing it out when I SHOULDN'T have to. Like going on morning walks and I know I'm going to come home and shower right away.

-Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
No, I look very dead and asian. I feel like my features are so blah. 

-In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
I don't think I've experienced enough to comment on who the BEST make-up line is. I love quality cheapy brands like E.L.F where it's affordable for people who wants to experiment with make-up but doesn't have to sacrafice quality. E.L.F is a brand that tries to make make-up that are good for your skin and the enviroment but you don't have to feel like you can only buy one item at a time. I mean you still get what you pay for, it's not the best but its definitely worth your buck.

-What do you think of Makeup?
I love make-up, but I think it's also an addiction. Part of me wishes that I never got into it in the first place because now I can't leave the house without it. I envy people with natural beauty that can leave the house without wearing a lick of make-up and still look like themselves or still look good. When I look at myself in the mirror without make-up and when I do have it on, I'm not the same person. I'm almost ashamed of how I look bare faced! I know maybe it's just an illusion in my own head, or maybe it's not. But once you get use to how you look with make-up on, it's hard to see yourself as beautiful without it. I think make-up is also another way someone can express who they are in an artistic manner. It's just like the clothes you wear, it's an expression of who you are. 

7 Weeks Until the Baby is Here!

Okay, so I am extremely irritable today so I decided to turn to blogging. Writing always seems to take my mind off things or help me recover from a certain emotion. Although, I don't think I'm suffering emotionally..I'm just tired and physically drained. I think I'm getting towards the end of my pregnancy where I'm just really blah because I'm now very uncomfortable. I don't sleep well because I toss and turn, I pee about twice a night at the least and I have this sore, achy feeling right between the chest under my ribs. I experienced this soreness before with my first pregnancy. It literally feels tender to the touch and it usually happens when I lay down for a while or am extremely full. My theory is that my uterus has pushed all of my organs so far up towards my chest that everything is just crammed and touching and something is sore from it.

I'm so irritable today, it's seriously the worst time to have a job where you answer over 70 calls a day and have to answer people's questions. You just get so tired of talking to people and how stupid some of them really are. Sorry, I just really am that grumpy today. At least I only have 3 more weeks of work left. Maybe it's because I know there's a countdown that it's dragging on even longer.

There's so much I have to do I feel like while I'm on maternity leave I better make a list of things to do.

Things To-Do Before Baby Comes:
Clean/Organize Chase's room
Get Chase's Bed
Get Chase use to sleeping in a bed
More dressers and shelves put in for their room
Put up the new room decals
Deep clean the whole house; blinds, window sills, ceiling fans, crown molding, base boards and etc..
Get Brandon to put the filters in for AC vents
Rent a rug doctor and clean the carpet and couch
Wash all of the baby clothes and sort
Get Chase's party stuff together
Put together bassinet
Get swing an car seat ready
Get bottles and baby stuff ready
Schedule hospital visit
Pack hospital bag
Find a bring home baby outfit

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day vs Mother's Day

I came across this funny and insightful article, written by a father (I'm guessing) and he talks about what his idea of what Father's Day should be like.

"No I Will Not Fix the OverFlowing Toilet Today-The Dadspin of Father's Day Manifesto"

When I read this article, I thought about how true it must be. I think that would probably be a pretty darn close idea of what my fiance thinks Father's Day should be. I think I did a pretty good job of coming close to that except for a couple snags a long the way.

So I had gotten a grill for Brandon last month as an early Father's Day present. I was really on the fence about it, because I feel like whenever you get someone an early present and the actual day finally comes, it has already been forgotten! So I decided to go get Brandon the most perfect card so I could surprise him with it Sunday morning and make him breakfast. Of course, I forget the card at work on Friday and end up empty handed. I woke up with Chase in the morning, although Brandon is physically incapable of sleeping in. I swear he needs to live in a bat cave to stay asleep in the morning. Then of course as I'm done putting breakfast on the table for Chase I realized...OMG WE HAVE A MAGGOT PROBLEM! This happens quite frequently in the summertime at our house. I think it's because our house get's so hot and if we don't take out the trash in a couple days and there's something raw in there we get maggots. It's the grossest thing. There were maggots on the kitchen floor and they had venture out into the living room carpet area. So I'm desperately trying to vacuum the kitchen while Chase is eating breakfast, then I start going in the living room. I had every intention to let Brandon sleep in and not bother him, but I obviously have a serious issue. I keep vacuuming and the maggots are just coming out of the trash can and I can't do both at the same time. I yelled for him to take the trash out for me so I can vacuum the entire house and redo the kitchen again.

Of course he stayed awake after that and I took Chase with me for a morning walk with Kat and that gave him some alone time to relax. I was gone for about 2 hours. I came home took a quick shower and he took off for the bar from 1-5:00pm. I even went grocery shopping with Chase and got stuff to bbq and had the whole neighborhood over and pretty much the guys hung out on the patio, bbq'd and drank while the women stayed in the house with all the kids.

I would say in my opinion that, that was a pretty darn good Father's Day for him. Yes, he had to wake up and take out the trash and yes, he did end up giving Chase a bath that night because of the fact that it's just kind of hard for me since I'm pregnant. Overall, I cleaned the house before people came over, after people came over and kept Chase out of his hair the whole day while he drank his liver away with his friends!

So after reading this vent online about what men really wants for Father's Day, I must admit I'm giving myself props for being pretty damn close.

NOW, I wonder if any MOM's have written a vent for Mother's Day. For the last two years, my Mother's Day has not been anything remotely CLOSE to what I wanted. The first year, Brandon did surprise me with 3 presents that were sentimental, like a picture frame collage with pictures of us as a family (very cute), and two other decorative pictures. As I recall, for the last two years I woke up with Chase early in the morning. I still made him breakfast and changed his diaper. I still did my duties as a mom and spent time with Chase and took care of him when Brandon's sleeping in. I hate the double standard of how much men milk Father's Day. Even though I didn't get my ideal Mother's Day, it didn't stop me from trying to give Brandon the best Father's Day ever though. I guess I'm just not that bitter. Reading this article though, definitely made me want to make my own "What Mom's Really Want" for Mother's Day vent.

"I Should Not Have to Ask You to Change A Dirty Diaper- A Mom's spin on Mother's Day"

1. I agree: "No time limit on Mom's sleep in." If you're going to let me sleep in, I don't care if I decide to waste half my day away laying in bed. I want the full privilege. That means, shut the bedroom door on your way out and leave me alone.

2. I agree: "Mom get's to shower as long as she wants." I'm not usually allowed to shower for more than 15 minutes without hearing shit for it. When I finally do shower, it's usually late at night. I want to shower for as long as I want and take my time for my full beauty routine without the kid coming in the room tugging at my robe, hiding between my legs and doing the reach up on the counter and grab whatever they can find and run.

3. NO CHORES. That doesn't mean leave the dishes in the sink til the next day so I can wash them when it's not Mother's Day anymore. It means to actually clean the house and to keep it clean the way I would.

4. Take some initiative. That means actually feed him and change his diaper without me having to remind you to. I shouldn't have to remind you that our kid needs to eat and drink water. Oh yeah, and that poopy diaper, I know you smell it. I shouldn't have to change a poopy diaper on Mother's day and I shouldn't have to ask you to. Take some initiative!

5.  Mom's not cooking anything. Unless, I'm making myself a snack I'm not going to worry about what to feed the kid for breakfast or lunch. Don't forget snacks for the little one too. I also get to pick what I want to eat for dinner. No questions asks. I don't care if you don't feel like eating asian food cuz that's what we're having.

Pretty much all I want for Mother's Day is a day in which I am acknowledged for my hard work as a mom. I want some appreciation, and sometimes to be appreciated is for the other person to walk a day in your shoes. I want just one day of getting some really good help with the kid. I'm not going to be over dramatic and demanding. If you want to go outside for a cigarette, I'm not going to tell you to take the kid with you. I'm not going to pretend that I don't have a kid. I just want a day where maybe for once instead of me waiting hand and foot on your little one, that I can relax and have the dad worry about things.

This is in no reflection of the Mother's Day I've had so far btw. This is just a general idea of what I look for in a Mother's Day whether I get it or not.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Okay, so I splurged a little bit recently on some make-up. Placement ads really do get to me! >_<

There was a sale going on at ULTA's website and I've seen the store in person before but never gone in. I picture it to be somewhat like Sephora, just not as high end? Anyways, I decided to just take a look at what they had and of course looking never stays that way. I didn't spend that much money though. I got 8 items and 6 samples and I spent roughly $60. Yes I know, bad kitty. I think that will satisfy my crave to buy make-up for a while.

So I get 3 Benefit sample's if I purchased something from Benefit and I also get 3 other samples for purchasing from ULTRA.

I purchased the creaseless cream shadow and lipstick and got the pink package as a sample.

BADgal Lash Mascara (Sample)

So the mascara is TINY! It's actually so small it's kind of cute. The brush takes up the majority of the bottle as you can see. I like that the brush actually grabs your lashes. The formula isn't messy and it isn't clumpy but I don't see it being a dramatic result like it claims to have but then again I think nothing will ever make my lashes look dramatic. Overall, I would definitely get the full size version of this mascara if I was to purchase one. I really like the brush!

The POREfessional (Sample)

I was quite ecstatic about this product. I've always wanted to try it the first time I laid eyes on it, but instead of paying the hefty $29 dollars just to find out if it really works, I get to try it for free! It's pretty much a oil-free translucent face primer that is suppose to minimize the appearance of pores. I feel like I have HUGE pores around my nose area so I'm excited to try it and see if it's really worth it. Their description says "practically poreless complexion. I have a face primer from E.L.F that I've been using and I don't really notice a huge different in the way it makes my skin look. I'll have to try it and see! I'm excited!

Cha Cha Tint (Sample)

So, I decided to try this on my cheeks this morning. Let's just say it was a major FAIL. I read the reviews and people loved it, so maybe I'm doing something wrong? The color is beautiful. It's a nice coral, but there must be a trick to the application. When I put it on my cheek and tried to blend it with my finger, it did not blend well. Instead it literally looks like a stain on my cheek and it's blotchy. I heard from my co-worker who also works at Sephora that it's better off on your lips. Maybe I have to try using a sponge with it?

Creaseless Cream Shadow/Liner in "Stiletto"

I'm actually kind of bummed at how the color turned out on this, because this is how it was pictured online..
 So as you can tell...it's totally off. It came out to be this dark, plum color. It reminds me of the "Get Figgy" color that I already have! I was looking forward to something lighter and different from what I already have.

Full Finish Lipstick in "Lady's Choice"


I must say, I LOVE THIS LIPSTICK! The color is definitely your go-to lipstick. It reminds me of the MAC Angel color that I have and love. It's a subtle hint of color and it glides on nice and creamy. I'm very glad I got it. Probably one of my new favs.

That wraps it up for the Benefit products I got. I love their packaging. When you open the packaging, it makes you actually want to read through it instead of just tossing it away because you might find a little message in there!

Next up, ULTA products. 

ULTA Lipstick 

From left to right: Cherry Picked, Just Peachy, Pink Chocolate, Pink it over.

It has a very light scent to it. Nothing overbearing. Glides on smooth and the color last's pretty long. The Pink Chocolate was a little disappointing because it goes on darker than it appears. Maybe it's more of a fall color perhaps. The red is a nice bright red. I was looking for the perfect red lipstick. I also really like the Just Peachy color. I've been looking for a true coral color. The ones that I get area always  bit too orange-y for me. 

ULTA Eyeshadow in "Stardust" and "Cashmere"

As you can see, I really like my browns and tans. I seem to be stuck always getting the same type of color. The eyeshadows are mediocre. They are not very pigmented. I don't know if it's just packed in there too tight, but I have to really dip my brush in there to get a color. I'm wearing the Cashmere color today and I like that it's a light shimmer. It's something you can wear to work or just as a daily look to add some color to your eyes. I'm really into the shimmer's in the summer time. 

I also got this base coat and top coat for my nails. I didn't realize that the reason why my nail polish didn't last as long was because I didn't use a base and top coat. So I'm going to give it a try and maybe even paint my fingernails to see if it really does make it last longer. My fingernail polish always gets worn out in a day because I constantly wash my hands. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June's Glam Bag!

Let me start off by saying, thank goodness they put something decent in this month's Glam Bag because I was about to unsubscribe. I'm actually still thinking about unsubscribing though. Maybe the items are just not as exciting as I thought it would be? I put myself on the GlossyBox newsletter and I guess when I get the email letting me know subscriptions are open, I'll decide then?

This month's bag only came with 4 items. The theme is "Out All Night", meaning products that are made to last through a night out. When I opened it, I was pleasantly surprise by the bag. Even though I'm not a fan of gold, it was surprisingly cute! My friend's even said you could use it as a clutch!

Philosophy "Take A Deep Breath" Oil-Free Energizing Oxygen Gel Cream ($34) 2oz

I love the my daily face moisturizer that I use right now, so it was hard for me to break my routine and give this a try. However, I did try it out this morning. I'm not sure exactly how to tell if I love it or not? The bottle is tiny, I'd say the size of a tube of lip gloss, maybe smaller. You don't need to use a lot and it doesn't have a strong scent which is nice. I'm not sure how long I would have to use it for before I see results, so it's hard for me to comment on it now. It is oil-free and very light which is great because I have such a greasy face. It says that it's suppose to help clear your impurities and energize your skin. I'm guessing it's suppose to make it less dull and revitalize.

Living Proof Frizz Nourishing Styling Cream ($26) 4oz

I'm kind of excited to try this one out since I do have frizzy hair. I haven't been able to find a single product that really claims for it to do what its suppose to for frizz. I have wavy hair but when it dries it just turns to frizz and loses it's texture and waves and turns into this bush looking thing. The only time when it stays is when I put a crap load of mousse in there but then you get the stiff pieces and even then it doesn't hold well. This product supposedly does not contain any silicone which is what causes hair to not frizz compared to other products? They also have shampoo and conditioners for sale. I'll let you know when I give this a try!

Marbella Permanent Eyeliner Pen $19

The eyeliner claims to be smudge-proof for 24 hours and is made of 100% natural formula. It also says that it's a duo tip? I can flip the tip around and use the other side? As you can see the color wasn't smudge proof, but then maybe it's because I didn't wait a minute before I smudged it with my finger. I'll have to give it a try. I like that it's a fine tip for close to lash fill-in's.

NYX Round Lipstick in "Saturn" ($4)

Finally, a wearable color! When I put it on, it's pretty darn pink and shimmery. Glides on smooth. It's doesn't give your lips a flaky look and feels pretty moisturizing. It's suppose to be a mineral based formula that resists smudging and is long lasting. Overall, for $4 dollars, the lipstick is not of bad quality. I would definitely try a different color. 

So that sums it up folks! I think I might try to do a look with all of the goodies I've gotten from my Glam Bag one of these days. Although, I don't have a vlog so it'll just be a picture of me wearing the items. I kinda find that it defeats the purpose. We'll see!