Friday, June 22, 2012

Cold Remedy for the Little Booger

Okay, so I posted recently about how Chase was sick and it was just so heart wrenching to hear him cough. I found out later that one of the kids in his class had borderline pneumonia and the other had bronchitis. Something like that..

Whenever Chase gets sick or starts showing signs of sickness I try to cure it right away. I don't really like to give him any medication unless he absolutely needs it. For instance, mild fever? Unless he is miserable and seems listless I don't usually give him any Tylenol.

So anyways, when he got sick recently and it started off as this dry cough and later turning into this congestion I really didn't know what to do. I started doing a mixture of Chinese and American Culture remedies. It seemed to help because Chase still had a cough, but he definitely was not coughing for as long and not coughing through the night. That was the main thing for me, not coughing through the night to a point where he couldn't sleep.

I thought I'd share my little remedy that I used on Chase. Maybe someone else would find it helpful as well. *KEEP IN MIND* Chase is over the age of ONE where it is safe for him to have honey.

    1. CUT THE DAIRY. Yes, no milk. I gave in and only gave him half a cup of warm milk at night if he absolutely asked for it. Dairy causes congestion, phlegm. 
    2. Use a humidifier. Although I didn't use it this time because ours has algae in it, I always use a cool mist humidifier when he's sick or even when we have the heater on so it's not so dry in his room.
    3. In the morning, I would substitute his milk for warm water with honey. I've stopped the honey, but because I can still hear a little congestion in his voice I still give him warm water. It helps dilute mucous. They actually say it's best to drink a glass of warm water when you first wake up and before you sleep to help dilute your mucous.
    4. CUT THE COLD STUFF. That's right, I know it's 100 degrees out, but room temperature or warm water only. Cold drinks will contribute to the cough.
    5. I used baby rub on his chest before bed time. 
    6. To loosen up the boogers and dried snot, I use saline spray religiously. It's non medicated so you can use it as often as you like. The only thing is he hates it! Try to have him lay down when you spray it so it really gets in there, then use the aspirator bulb to suck out the yuckies.
    7. Make sure he stays warm. Everyone knows when you're in the cold with a cold, you cough. Make sure he's wearing socks or footed pajamas and it's warm in the room when he's sleeping.
    8.  Little Cold's Honey Elixir. It's all natural, non-medicated. You can give this to babies 1 years and older every 2-4 hours. I gave this to Chase in the morning, when he got home from school and before bed. When it was the weekend I gave it to him every 2-3 hours. I don't know if it's this stuff that really works, or just a combination of everything. But he didn't cough himself awake after I started using it.

There you go people. Those are the tips that I have. Give it a try if you're desperate next time and see if it really works! 

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