Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pityriasis Rosea

Finally, I find a minute to blog but with my luck Trent will wake up from his nap right now.

I've been having an ongoing skin issue for the last 3 weeks. It started maybe even before that with this tiny little red spot on my left knee that itched and has spread to about the size of a quarter. At first I thought nothing of it. Just maybe some dry skin and irritation got bigger and bigger. Then one day, during notary class I was just kind of scratching my back and thing you know I start seeing more little red spots on my back and neck. They started off small, maybe the size of a regular bug bite and it just becomes bigger and bigger. I went to see the doctor for a cold I had for over 2 weeks. I knew by then something was infected. Turns out I had a sinus infection..while I was there I casually asked her about this spot on my knee and told her I was starting to get little spots on my back too. She looked at it and told me it looks like ringworm, without studying the other ones and that I could get some OTC anti-fungal cream. Well I used that stuff for over 10 days and it just got worse and worse. It spread to my abdomen, neck, more of my back, armpits and I thought maybe it was just from scratching that it spread my ringworm. Even though it was something contagious, no one else in my family had gotten it and Brandon and I share towels and sheets.

I casually asked Trent's pediatrician at his 9 month check-up (I know I can't believe he's 9 months old!) and she said that doesn't look like ringworm, it wouldn't spread like that and I would've seen results by now if I've been using the cream. So finally, about a week later I brought Chase to see the doctor to make sure he didn't have an ear infection and I had the doctor examine me as well. She told me it looks like pityriasis rosea. SAY WHAT?!? She gave me this handout on it and it explained exactly what it was and my symptoms. It starts off as just one patch and it after a two weeks or so you'll see more usually on the abdomen. The rash usually lasts 6-8 weeks but it can last up to several months..

Great, at least I kind of know what the hell is wrong with me. I kept putting on anti-fungal cream and hydrocortisone and I have so much of it that I might as well wear it as a body lotion! I'm SOOOOOO itchy it's crazy. I've never been so itchy in my life and it's just everywhere. I've switched the baby wash and using Cetaphil. Nothing cures it, it resolves on its own but I guess there are ways to irritate it less. Every year I feel like I experience some type of skin issues. Ever since I got pregnant with Chase, my skin has been super sensitive. I had some sort of skin infection before and my whole body was covered with these pimple looking things and I ended up having to use some steroid cream on it because it's dangerous for pregnant women. I still don't see improvement, if anything I feel like it's still spreading. Always in summer time, how am I ever suppose to wear a bathing suit!


  1. I had the same thing 3 wks ago. I saw a doctor once it spread to my face. He treated it as ringworm though he told me he knew it wasnt. He prescribed lotrisone 1% its clotrimozole and bethametazone. I also only took cold sponge baths it seemed hot showers made it worse and so did hydrocortisone. The lotrisone definitely worked it about 12 hrs they also stoped spreading try not to scratch.

    1. Hi Shawn! Thank you for your advice. I initially tried lotrimin and it did nothing for me =( I'm sorry to hear it spread to your face, that must be awful! I'm finally getting better but it's been over a month and the spots are still there. At least the itching has gone away!

  2. Its actually a prescription (Lotrisone). Lotrimin is for athletic foot its otc. Im glad your getting better this is the worst time of year if any to have this rash. Good Luck! I hope this blog helps others dealing with this skin condition thanks for writing it.

  3. I'm currently dealing with PR and I'm so stressed right now. It's almost in 4months and the spots still there. What you guys did to make your skin flawless again? :(

  4. I'm currently dealing with PR and I'm so stressed right now. It's almost in 4months and the spots still there. What you guys did to make your skin flawless again? :(
