Saturday, September 13, 2014

Squirt, Anastasia & Bobbi!

Okay, I just may be the worst blogger ever.  I have broken my goal of 2 posts a month.  Actually, I believe my last post was back in May and it is now September.  I've been meaning to blog but life as caught up with me and I am extremely busy! Yikes! There has been a couple things that I've came across and just absolutely LOVED so I had to blog about it.

If you have less than enough cabinet space in your kitchen like I do, you're going to absolutely LOVE this!  I can't believe I didn't get these earlier!! They're collapsible bowls and collapsible collander!  I got the Squish collapsible mixing bowl, collander and over the sink collander and they saved me SO MUCH SPACE!  I've been looking at them when I was at Target and just felt like it was too much of a splurge.  I ended up getting mine on sale. They run from about $8.99-$20.00.  To be honest, I don't use them very often.  However, it is nice to not have something take up so much space if I don't even use it very much!  Now I just stick them in the cabinet somewhere instead of it taking up a whole shelf!

They have non-slip bottoms.

Anastasia Beverly Hills-DIPBROW Pomade ($18.00)
Anastasia Beverly Hills- Brush #12 ($18.00)

If you know me, I have barely-there eyebrows.  I have to color them in everyday and for ladies that know the drama that comes with that; protect your eyebrows at all cost.  My fiance would try to rub them off; sometimes I'd accidentally rub them off myself then to walk around like that half a day to finally realize it after all the weird looks.  You worry about sweating too hard; going to the beach; taking a hard nap; there are all very real struggles of girls with colored in eyebrows!  Finally, after having the same routine for about 10 years I decided to see what was out there.  I was initially inspired by watching a QVC episode of this make-up brand where the eyebrows literally did not budge even after rubbing your fingers on them.  However, it was a pen type application and was not for me.  If you have barely there eyebrows, you don't want to use a pencil or pen because that will look too unnatural.  Pens and pencils are good for filling in sparse spots.  If you're like me and you pretty much have to fake the whole thing, the best way to go is with some type of brush on powder.  So after looking at Sephora for some ideas I decided to order the Anastasia DIPBROW.  I was debating on a couple different brands like the BENEFIT Gimme Brows which are little fibers and people swore it didn't budge and it looked very natural; and the MAKE UP FOREVER Aqua Brow.

I bought the wrong color online and went to go exchange it at Sephora for a darker color.  Well, I'm really glad I did because while I was there I got to try the BENEFIT Gimme Brows and it just didn't give me the shape I wanted.  It filled in my brows but it didn't allow me to choose the shape or the definition of it.  I also asked one of the Sephora employees to show me how to use it since I've heard very mixed reviews.  A lot of the negative reviews was that it was hard to apply and had a very harsh look to it.  When she helped me apply it, I must admit at first it looked WAY too dark; but then she showed me to brush it with the other side of the #12 brush and it made it look more natural.  It was pretty darn close to the natural look of basic shadow.  I ended up getting it in "chocolate" and I have not looked back since.  I would say that my "eyebrow application level" is pretty expert.  The two really great tips that helped was 1) a little goes a long way 2) dip a little on your brush, then take some off on the lid.  This stuff lasts me on the hottest day at the beach and through naps!

I've been using this everyday since I've had it, but this was the only good picture I had where you could see the whole thing.

Bobbi Brown-No Smudge Mascara ($25.00)

I think the last time I blogged, I said I hardly wear mascara.  Well, things have changed and it is now incorporated into my daily routine.  I didn't think it made a big difference before, but I don't know if that's because my mascara sucked?  I went and splurged on the Bobbi Brown mascara.  I don't usually spend $25 on anything, but something got into me and I ended up getting this instead of the BENEFIT They're Real! mascara.  I loved it when I got the free sample, but I guess I was filling spontaneous that day.  Well, I'm glad I took the risk because I absolutely love the Bobbi Brown.  It doesn't clump and they do give me volume and definition.  I haven't taken a before and after photo so that'll have to come later on.  However, when I was at Sephora exchanging my Anastasia DIPBROW for another color, I picked up another sample size of the BENEFIT They're REAL! and I still use the Bobbi over Benefit majority of the time.  I like that it's easy to apply for short lashes without it getting all over my lids.  The BENEFIT grips on to my lashes like a comb and it defines them but doesn't really make them look fuller.

I also got my first NARS product but I have yet to use them.  Once I crack those babies open I'll let you know!  I'm pretty excited to try the NARS Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Primer and the NARS Eye Paint.  The Urban Decay Primer Potion has been letting me down lately.  It's almost like my eyelids got accustomed to it and stopped working.

Another update on just a few things to come;the boys Ninja Turtle Birthday party, I got a NEW balayage ombre, Hot Tools Curling Iron, IKEA KURA Bunk Bed and a new kitchen along with all new dinnerware and flatware from Crate & Barrel and CB2!  Night folks! Even though I love make-up and all things beauty, here is a quote to keep in mind.

"Outer beauty pleases the EYE. Inner beauty captivates the HEART." -Mandy Hale

Saturday, June 14, 2014

5 Year Anniversary!

Brandon and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary this past Friday the 13th.  You know, we don't really know what anniversary it is for and it's because we never really had an official date.  So when people started asking us how long we've been together for, we really didn't know how to answer.  Me being the girl, I guess I'm suppose to remember this kind of stuff but I don't.  I came up with this great idea, let's pick the one night that we looked forward to the most and let that be the anniversary date.  The night that meant the most to us was the night before Spocom.

I have a good feeling about the next 5 years to come.  Maybe the fact that I'm looking at it in a positive light will help steer it in the right direction.  I've expressed the issues Brandon and I have.  We don't have a fairy tale relationship where everything is rainbow and lollipops.  In fact, it is very real and relate-able the issues that we deal with.  One thing that Brandon has never done was give up on us, even though I have wanted to.  When I think about all that we have endured, our path was not easy at all.  It was probably all of the hardest things that most relationships and couples endure in over a 10 year span.  We met each other for not even 6 months and I got pregnant.  We were both young and poor.  Without building a stable foundation for our relationship, we had to become parents at a very young age without really knowing each other.  Not only has this been a journal in discovering on how to be parents we were also discovering each other; to co-exist.

It helped me understand why the steps of a relationship is; date, marry, live together, then start a family.  You really need to have a strong foundation for your relationship because let me tell you, being parents will be the HARDEST thing you'll ever have to endure.  It pushes a person's limits on patience and frustrations.  Without a strong foundation, you just lash out at each other and that's exactly what we were doing.  To top that off, we struggled financially.

I never gave us much credit because at the time I didn't understand.  I was so blinded by how difficult everything was and yet I handled it with ease.  I didn't realize that it didn't matter how I handled it by myself, it's how we handle it together.  Parenting is a team sport if both of you are involved.  It's not a one person game.  We were so busy focusing on being great parents that we used up all of our patience and love with our kids and left none for each other.  I take part of the blame for us having such a hard time.  I had issues I needed to deal with and was not able to see past his mistakes.  I didn't take into consideration that not everyone is like me.  Sometimes, people can only focus on one thing at a time.

I really hope that the worse is behind us and it can only get better from here.  We are growing up, our kids are growing up and we will be in a better place.  I really hope that this is something good for us.  We have managed to make it this far, and I must say most of it is praise to Brandon for not giving up because I probably would've.  Let's hope for another 5 years!

Slacks for small booties!

Well hello people!  It's been an extremely long time since I've blogged.  I even take down memos of what I want to blog about, but I recently got a new phone and now that's all gone.  However, I must share with my fellow skinny girls my new discovery.  I have to dress business attire 5 days a week and I have a small butt.  It is near IMPOSSIBLE to find slacks that fits my butt without it looking all loose and saggy.  I've searched high and low and finally I have found it and it's from LOFT!  After many suggestions and I've even tried Express, I tried on LOFT 00 ZOE fit and it worked PERFECT! Now, it doesn't make me look like I have a GREAT butt, but it actually hugs it and my waste.  I'm totally obsessed because for the longest time I don't wear pants to work for that reason.  Now, I'm collecting Zoe fit 00 from Ann Taylor Loft any chance I get. Just to give others hope, my hips are 34 inches and my waist is 27.  I've tried Express 00 and it still makes my butt look really long and flat.  I can't tell you how excited I am!  LOFT is also pretty reasonably price and at first I use to think it was expensive, but when you look at the quality and just the rareness of finding nice slacks that fits a skinny girl and is flattering; well that's worth it to me!

I really hope this helps other girls with similar issues as me.  I know everyone thinks being skinny is great, it's really not.  It's near impossible to find bottoms that are flattering.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

St. Jude Trike-A-Thon! (Please help donate!)

My son’s school is having a Trike-a-Thon on April 11th, 2014 as a fundraiser for St. Jude.  The St. Jude Trike-A-Thon is a fun, week-long curriculum that teaches the kids riding-toy safety.  At the end of the week, they get to bring their trikes and helmets to school and practice the rules that they’ve learned.  Your tax-deductible donation will help the desperately ill kids at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by raising money for research and treatment.

You can make your donation by check, money order or online at:

Thank you for your support!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Poudex F7139 Charcoal Waffle Suede Sectional & Ottoman F7119 (Bobkona)

So I bought my couch from this website called VA Furniture.  They offered free local delivery and it was the cheapest I could find ANYWHERE.  I've seen them sell my couch on Amazon and other websites from $554-$1,100.  I tried to find as many reviews as possible through Amazon and other sites.  I ended up getting my couch for $554 and ottoman for $99, which is dirt cheap.  That way, if the couch gets ruined I don't feel devastated.  After all, I do have two boys that are just starting to blossom into toddlers.

When they said "some assembly required" I thought they meant putting the legs on and hooking the sectional together.  No, they came in 3 LARGE boxes.  I want to say that because you're putting it together yourself and it being so easy, you kind of feel like it's cheaply made.  It isn't as nice of a couch as my old one, but my old couch was $750 on sale, so I think that says a lot.  The assembly took approximately 2 hours for me and Brandon.  We used a drill to help speed up the process with all the screws and wrenching.

The couch did have a moth ball smell to it, but it was gone after a weekend of having the fan on and windows open.  One of the seating cushion already feels like it's softer than the other side.  The ottoman seems the most poorly made and you can kind of feel the springs in there.  Overall, I've received a lot of compliments on it and if you're looking for something cheap, it's totally worth it!  Even though it's not as good of a quality as my old couch, I'm really glad I got it.  It's spacious and it's cute! The color is also A LOT darker than what it is in the picture, but I'm glad that it is.  It comes with these really ugly brown throw pillows that I can't stand so I went out and got new ones.

This is the picture from the website:

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Our new living room!

Okay, I did awful so far. I didn't blog at all in February!  So to make up for it, I will write (hopefully) two entries.

So far the MOST exciting thing to happen to me was re-furnishing my living room.  I've spent many nights unable to fall asleep because I redecorate our house in my mind.  It's bad, I'm talking about 2 hours of laying in the dark until it's 11:00 pm on a weeknight.  Ever since we repainted our living home, I felt that the couch just didn't match.  I grew more and more disgusted and just found more reasons why we needed a new couch.  We really do need a new couch.  I've had our old couch since I got my first apartment.  I want to say that was 2007.  That couch has been through a lot and it was time for a change.  Actually, this whole house is furnished with the furniture from when I was 20.  My taste was totally different back then!

 I'm a total bargain shopper and that's a good thing because I love to shop.  I've been hunting for the perfect couch for a long time and did many hours of searching through the web to find the most affordable price.  I finally decided on something that was cheap but I liked.  I figured the boys will tear through this one and by the time we need a new couch, maybe it will be when we are purchasing our first home!

I pretty much changed our whole living room under $1000, WAY under.  For those that follow my blog, you'll also know that I've been obsessing about bench seating.  Well, I finally decided on something in between.  I decided the bench seating was going to take up too much room.

I've received compliments on my living room every time someone has come in!  Especially, when they saw what it looks like before.  I must say, I'm rather proud of myself.  I'm still missing this side table I've had my eyes on from IKEA and a table lamp.  It's very minimalist, kind of feminine, but not girly.  Does that make any sense?

I'm going to review the couch and where I purchased it from in a separate blog entry! Stay tuned!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Quick Shepherds Pie!

Okay, so I know the title said quick, but it was not so quick for me.  I think the reason is I prepared it the night before so when I put it in the fridge, it made it very cold and it took even longer to heat up.  If you make it fresh and put it in the oven right away it should not take as long.

Shepherd's Pie
1 lb          Lean ground beef.
1             10.75 oz Condensed Vegetable Soup
1/2 cup    chopped celery
1/2 cup    chopped onion
2 cups     mash potatoes **
3 cups     Colby Jack Shredded Cheese
1 tspn     dried thyme 

  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Cook ground beef with the celery and onion until clear. Drain. Add condensed soup and dried thyme. Mix well.
  3. Add ground beef mixture to bottom of a rectangular 2.2 quart glass pan. 
  4. Spread mash potatoes on top.
  5. Put in oven for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat.
  6. Sprinkle cheese on top, and place in oven for another 5 minutes until cheese is melted.
** I used the tub of Countrycrock Garlic mash.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New things for the new year! (Juicing & Trofast)

First blog entry of 2014 and more to come!  I'm blogging on my 30 minute lunch break right now, I don't know how many other full time working mom bloggers can relate.  I wanted to write a couple separate blogs, but because I never do it on time I decided to lump it all together!  Today I'm going to write about new things I'm doing for the new year.

First off, I started juicing for the family!  Okay, maybe not family just me and the kids.  My fiance is not a fan, so he can kick rocks :)  This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time and I recall blogging about it.  A friend of mine told me she got the Nutribullet and juices for her and her bf every morning and they noticed a big difference in their energy throughout the day.  I've been wanting one for a long time and never forked out the money for it.  Originally, I put it on my Christmas list for my fiance.  Instead, his boss's family actually bought it for us!  I started juicing a little bit before the new year, but Trent got this stomach bug and had the worst diarrhea several times a day and the worst diaper rash I've ever seen.  This was 4 days into juicing and I was not sure if maybe his body was not use to vegetables, so I stopped.  See, Trent my littlest one does not like vegetables.  He is strictly carbs and meat.  If it looks like a vegetable, he's probably not eating it.  So I thought making "healthy juice" (that's what I tell my kids) every morning was a great idea.  That way I don't have to worry about their vegetable and fruit intake for the day.  For those that follows my blog, I try not to give my kids any sugar and that includes juice.  So I have to make sure I tell them the difference between the one I make them and "apple juice."  To my surprise, THEY LOVE IT!  Trent starts clapping and spinning in circles when he sees me make it.  I don't really know if what I make is enough to meet their daily intake, but hey, it's better than what he was having before.  This also triggered another thing, my new love for Trader Joe's.  There are people that goes there religiously, but I just didn't get hooked.  I liked it, but I didn't like that I couldn't get EVERYTHING I needed there.  I still need to go to Stater Brothers for meat.  I decided to go to Trader Joe's because they have this amazing raw almond butter I wanted to use for my juice.

As you can tell from the size of it, it's pretty freaking big compared to my hand.  What I've been putting in it is organic tuscan Kale.  They sell it packaged at Trader Joe's with the Salads.  They also have a mix bag of baby kale, baby chard and baby spinach.  I also add a variation of; carrots, blueberries, banana, pineapple, blackberries, strawberries, greek yogurt, honey, raw crunch almond butter and coconut "beverage/milk".  All of these items I find at Trader Joe's at a decent price!  I don't usually put ALL of those things in there, I try to change it a bit everyday.  The main ingredients that I always use are the veggies, banana, pineapple, raw almost butter and coconut milk/beverage.

I started juicing again last week and have been very consistent with it.  I'm actually rather proud of myself for keeping it up.  I just know how good it is for the kids and that keeps me motivated.

Getting organized....

So one of my NY resolutions this year was to get more organized.  I've been on this kick for the last year, to make our house into a home.  We live in a pretty small upstairs two bedroom condo.  The boys share a room and at first we really wanted to move into a bigger place but we've got a pretty sweet deal right now.  I figured, if we just organized and planned things out better, we could definitely stay here a while longer!

One of my top priorities, is to make the boys room more practical.  Chase is getting older now and as the years go by, the toys triples in size.  Their room really was just a place for them to sleep, now I'm trying to make it their space to hang out.  First thing I did was move their toys into their room.  I was very hesitant to do that but, we had to because the toys were in the space where the Christmas tree went.  Then I realized how we have outgrown their old toy storage and we need something more.  I also think they don't actually play with their toys because they can't see it!

This is what it looked like right when I moved the toys into their room.  All of their toys are in the tires and they rarely ever take the toys out to play with it.

At first I really wanted to move Chase into a loft bed, so I can slide the crib underneath it.  After measuring some things out, that didn't work.  So I thought about getting the IKEA Kura bed and leaving Trent in the crib for now and making a little library underneath the KURA.  After measuring, that didn't work.  I've faced the fact that maybe a new bed is not going to happen right now.  That rained on my parade pretty hard because I was so excited.  So I decided right now let's just get the toys organized and we can work on the bed situation later.  I've been browsing for a long time and decided to go with the TROFAST from IKEA. Something affordable, organized and kid friendly.  I did lots of measuring and when I finally setup everything, I realized 1) I SUCK AT MEASURING 2) it didn't turn out the way I had hoped.  But, we made it work and I still love it.  We took the changing table off the crib.  It was an attachment that we didn't realize we could remove.  Since we don't use it anymore and it took up about 2 feet of space, it had to go.  Also, since the last time I've blogged, I finally hung up the curtain to cover the closet area so it's not exposed.  It really made it look a lot tidier.

 It's still a work in progress but I think it will all come together once we get the kids into a bunk bed.  Overall, I'm pretty happy about it I must say.  Moving the crib against the other wall really opened it up and gave them more play room!

Alright, my lunch is over.  I'll post soon!