Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lilypadz Nursing Pads Review

I wanted to write a review on the Lilypadz now that I've got to try them for a bit. Overall, I would give it a 4.5 star rating.

The PROS about Lilypadz is that it is comfortable, you can go braless, it's eco-friendly, not bulky and discreet. I love the fact that I can go braless sometimes because I have yet to find a comfortable nursing bra. Also, if you want to wear something strapless, well they don't make strapless nursing bras that's for sure. You can also use these after you're done nursing if you're wearing a dress with a low cut in the back and you don't want to wear a bra but don't want the world to know it's a little nipply out.

Here are the CONS, I leaked. I already feel like I haven't been producing as much milk as I did with my first pregnancy and at night I supplement with formula so it's kind of like sleeping through the night without nursing. I believe I was about 9 hours in without pumping or nursing and in the middle of the night I felt this drip going down my neck and my shirt was soaked. I guess I had produced so much milk that the Lilypad just couldn't contain it! So yes, it does leak depending on how much milk you produce during your "let down." Also, it's kind of a pain in the butt to remove your Lilypadz to nurse and there's milk in there. You have to kind of want to check throughout the day and empty it over the sink or something because you don't want there to have constant wetness around your nipples. I think that's one of the causes for thrush. If you forget to check and there's milk in there and you have to remove the Lilypadz to nurse, you have the burp cloth or something and be really careful removing it because milk does get everywhere. You just have to kind of find a way that works for you. I also don't like to use it for over 24 hours. I feel like you should let your nipples breathe. I've been alternating. If I'm out somewhere I'll use the Lilypadz, if I'm home I'll use disposable nursing pads. I also find myself using the disposable nursing pads at night more. Simply because when you're nursing in the dark and the baby's crying you don't have time to check or see if there's milk build-up in it to empty out over a sink before you feed the baby.

I've been washing mine with just water and baby soap. So far they still retain it's stickyness but it also doesn't look as "fresh and clean" as they were in the beginning and I don't think it ever will no matter how you wash them.


  1. I heard very much about lily padz uses silicone. May be this is a silly question, but is non toxic?

    lily padz

    1. That's a great question. It doesn't state that its non toxic. However, it's made of medical grade silicone so I believe its safe to use. It doesn't leave residue on your breasts either so your baby wouldn't consume anything.
