Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Surviving the Fourth & Fifth Week and My Postpartum Body Road to Recovery

So last week, I didn't get to post. It has been hard since baby Trent doesn't seem to sleep. I know right? What kind of baby doesn't sleep?? The perks of having a newborn is that they sleep a lot. Even if they aren't sleeping, they usually just hang out. I guess I lucked out with having such a easy baby with Chase that I knew it was too good to be true to hope the second would be the same.

Trent is growing quick! He's gotten so big already and filling out. He looks less like a wrinkly old man and more like a baby. His arms are getting chubby, he's got a belly now and his cheeks are getting bigger. He does have a pointy face, I guess he gets that from me. My nights are getting somewhat easier. I think it's actually easier than when I had Chase. Chase was a every two hour baby. With Trent, after I give him a bottle at 8pm or 9pm. He usually sleeps until about 1am, then wakes up every 2-3 hours after that. From the time I go to bed until 7 in the morning I wake up about only 2-3 times. I can't complain. One thing that does suck is that I sleep on the couch. I start off sleeping in the bed, but because I don't wnat the baby to keep him up at night, after Trent wakes up the first time I bring him out in the living room to change and feed him. Then I put him in the swing and I crash on the couch. Sometimes, if I wake up I bring him back into the bassinet to sleep and do the same thing the next time he wakes up. Usually though, I'm so tired I just fall asleep on the couch. Last night, I brought him into the bassinet and I guess it was close to 2 hours after I had fed him so that woke him up. I ended up having to bring him right back out in the living room. So you just have to time it just right. I've definitely gotten to know him and his habits a bit more which is nice. One thing that has been driving me mad is his inability to sleep in the day time. Yesterday, from when I woke him up to drop Chase off at school which is about 9:30am he didn't really fall back asleep until 3:00pm. He would doze off, then wake up crying 5-10 minutes later. He just doesn't seem to stay asleep and he wakes up freaking out because he's overtired! On Sunday, he actually slept throughout the day. Brandon and I were actually worried because it was weird for him to he's suppose to! When he doesn't sleep, it leaves me no time to do anything. I can't do the dishes. I can't shower. I don't even have time to eat. I got a chance to eat some cereal for breakfast yesterday. Actually, midway through my cereal I had to hold him. I had saltine crackers for lunch and I managed to squeeze some yogurt in after 3pm. Of course though, Chase was home which means whatever I eat I have to share. I would love an afternoon nap, but how can I. I even thought maybe Trent has colic. It's not like his cries are inconsolable though. I know why he's crying, it's because he's over tired. I just wish he would sleep!

He's actually sleeping right now, which makes me nervous but I can see him just constantly grunting and moving his arms so I'm scared to take a shower. Instead, I'm using the time to blo

This is Trent at 4 weeks old. I can't believe he's already a month old. Time sure flew by, which means I only have two more months before I have to retuurn to work. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work. I'm not meant to stay at home. I feel like I'm losing my sanity. I love Trent. I think he's the cutest thing. Brandon think's he's scary looking and he is. Trent always makes this face, when he opens his eyes he really opens them wide so he looks like he's just staring at you. You even see the whites of his eyes on top of the pupil lol. I think it's funny. He's so serious when he's awake but when he smiles and laughs in his sleep it's so cute.

My Postpartum Body (Road to Recovery) Week 4 & 5
My stomach is going down slowly. I'm able to fit into my old denim shorts, which were a challenge at first since they're not as stretchy around the waist. I haven't really been able to do any dieting regiment since I don't even really have time to eat! I did decide I am ready to exercise again. I know, it's only been a month since I had my c-section but I feel good. We even went to Partyopolis this past Sunday for a birthday party and I was running around playing. I'm contemplating if I should wait at least til I reach week 6 just in case if something internally needs to heal but I'm so tired of this pouch that I have. It's just skin. I can actually pinch it!
Week 4

Week 5
As you can see, the top part of my stomach seems to be going down more. The lower part is just skin. I'm excited to start doing some sit-ups and crunches to see if the pouch really does go away. I also hate that my belly button looks stretched out. That's how you can tell that the elascity of my skin is no longer there. I have this wrinkly looking belly button. EW!


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