Friday, November 16, 2012

Back to being a working mom..

So today is my third day back at work and I must admit it's kind of nice to be back to a normal schedule and interacting with adults on a daily basis. I can't stand being cooped up in the house all day. I feel alive again! Sometimes, it almost feels like I didn't have a second kid and I never left for maternity leave. Except that I talk about him all day and he's in screensaver :) Oh yeah and the pumping of course. The downside is that I sit in so much traffic that I only get to spend maybe 2 hours max with my kids when I get home. Especially when you have a young one, you feel like they need all the love and attention from mom as possible.

In the morning I wake up around 5:45am and I get ready for work. When I'm done, I get both kids ready and bring all the stuff I need for Trent being at school. Drop them off. By the time I get to work it's 8:30am. I leave work (early) at 4:30pm, don't even take a lunch although I know it's not legal and by the time I get home it's 6:00pm. Maybe eat a little bit of dinner or feed Trent and it's 6:30pm. The kids bed times are 7:30-8:00pm because I have to wake them up so early I feel like they need to sleep earlier. It's a grueling day for everyone. I guess we all just have to get into the groove of things. Chase is probably not use to being back at school full time, Trent is definitely like where the hell am I. It's definitely an adjustment again. I don't remember missing Chase as much as I miss Trent though. Maybe it's because he's so young and in daycare. But what can I do? Nothing. You just gotta deal with it.

On another note, Trent is just the most amazing baby ever. He gave us a really hard time in the beginning with the not sleeping and crying from being over tired. I'm sure you guys remember the blogs. He only wakes up once at night, which is THE BEST THING EVER! I didn't think it was going to be that soon for him to do it. I've pretty much transitioned him out of the swing. I still use it right before bed, but other than that he's never in the swing at all. I didn't use the SwaddleMe for the first time and he slept just as well. He was starting to outgrow that thing and I didn't want it to stunt his growth.

The school says he's so easy going and happy. He just hangs out, I miss him just thinking about it. He could be hanging out with me! :(

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