Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Surviving the First Week

We made it! It's been a whole 7 days of having baby Trent and we still have a hold of our sanity (barely)!

The scheduled c-section went smoothly and my recovery this time around was much quicker and easier. Although I must admit, it was way more intimidating this time prepping for the surgery. I didn't think that I would get an epidural like shot in my back since I was having a c-section. Actually, it never even crossed my mind! Turns out you do, and to me, this time it hurt even more. Maybe it's the anesthesiologist? My last one gave me the shots and waited a while to make sure I was completly numb. This time they gave me the shot to prep me for the shot and it seemed almost immediately they put the tube down my back. It hurt so bad I yelled and called him every bad name in the book. Turns out he ended up having to give me another numbing shot. I guess I'm "sensitive." It was weird, walking to the O.R and sitting on the operating table on my own and just sitting there while nurses and doctors are busy all around me. The actual experience this time was amazing. I was completely coherent and aware of everything around me. I didn't feel drugged up at all and was fulling capable of holding a conversation. It's a little weid being wide awake and clear minded knowing that you're cut open somewhere down below. The anesthesiologist lifted my head up as the dropped the curtain when they pulled Trent out of my belly. It was the first time I've ever seen a live baby and I remember in my head I went oh my gosh, there he is. I felt overwhelmed with emotions and relief at the same time that it was all over. 39 weeks and 5 days later of carrying a baby inside me, it was all over and it's real. He's here. 7lbs 3 oz and 19 inches. We are now parents of two.

My experience at Saddleback hospital was amazing. Although I only stayed 2 days and all the nurses and doctors were shocked and thought I was crazy for wanting to leave the hospital after 2 days. My OB gave the okay since I was completely mobile and capable of getting around and meeting all of my requirements to leave. I must say my recovery this time was shockingly fast. I was able to walk after 8 hours and use the restroom. I was still very nausea anytime I moved my head too much from the anesthesia. I was only on 1 Norco and advil after 24 hours of my surgery and I even cleaned the hospital room a little bit. I know right, I'm crazy. I can't help it. Chase got to see us everyday at the hospital for at least an hour or two. Thank goodness to close friends and being so close to home that it was possible. I didn't want Chase to not see us for a couple days and wonder what the hell happened. Although I must admit that the first time he saw me on that bed, he gave me a weird look. After a couple snacks I had saved from the hospital I bribed him to come sit on the bed with me and watch cartoons.

Chase has been the most AMAZING big brother. He definitely surpassed all of my expectations, BUT in return he has been stubbornly defiant towards me and Brandon with his constant NO's and getting upset at just about everything. But we stand firm on our ways of discipline and no tolerance rule. I can tell he really misses me holding him or carrying him because any chance he gets he tries to climb on me and cling on like a koala. I feel bad but physically I'm not suppose to yet. Although I feel like I've almost returned to full health I know I can't just do things because I feel like I can. I need to take it easy.

Brandon has can I put it. He's been so supportive, loving, helpful. I almost feel like besides just giving birth to baby Trent, we gave birth to a new relationship. I have never seen this side of him before but it makes me want to give him more affection to show my appreciation. He's trying so hard to do things for me and make sure I take it easy. Because it's hard for me to get out of bed in our room, we were sleeping seperately. Me in the living room and him in the bedroom because eventually I just go in the livingroom in the rocking chair and I just end up staying out there. Last night, we laid blankets on the floor and slept in the living room together falling asleep to Shark Week. It feels like a completely new rebirth of our relationship and we are stronger than ever. I don't know if it's the hormones but I even missed him when he left to go somewhere and it wasn't for very long. I just hope this keeps up but I need to remind myself that even if it was months later and I get mad at him for something. I need to remember how I feel right now in this moment and his effort. The love I feel for him now. I think that's the common problem. In a relationship when a couple hits a rough patch, they often forget the love. They're so consumed by the anger and I just need to stop and remind myself of times like this where I feel 100% in love with him.

He told me while we were in the hospital and we had to watch a video about paternity rights because we are having a baby and we're not married. He tells me he's down to get married on paper right now. So who knows, maybe we'll elope :)

I don't know if Trent is just that nocturnal or if I just forgot what it was like when Chase was a baby. But I feel like Trent's a lot more needy and cries a lot more. Maybe we're just not use to it, after all it has been two years. I remember Chase being so easy going and just waking up every 2 hours. I swear with Trent, at night I wake up every 30 minutes because technically he wakes up every hour, nurses for 20 minutes then goes to sleep and wakes up again 30 minutes later. It's been tough, especially having such an energetic 2 year old. I swear the other night Trent would not go to sleep until 2am. Every time we set him down, he would cry 15 minutes later. That continued until 1:30am. Then he woke up every 30 minutes. By the time it was 5:45 Chase was in his bed yelling fo mama for some reason. I went to lay down in bed with him for a it and when I came back out Trent was crying.

Baby Trent is a week old already. He is the cutest thing..maybe even cuter than Chase when he was a baby. Well when he's not crying at least :) He snorts a lot. I think the airway in his nose is too narrow. He is also a very strong little baby.and poops at every hour. I can't wait til he's just a little bit older or maybe when we get to know the little guy better so it gets a little easier!


The day we left the hospital. Btw, we got really luck and got to stay in the labor and delivery room the whole time instead of the post partum room which is much smaller!

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