Friday, August 31, 2012

Surviving the Third Week and My Postpartum Body Recovery

In a way I can't believe it has been 3 weeks already. Then again I kind of wished that it was the 3rd month. Although, I know later on I'll miss the baby phase. I guess I just don't remember Chase crying so much?

I've made it through yet another week. Except this week Chase's school is closed Thursday and Friday. So yesterday I decided to bring both of the kids to San Diego to visit my work so my coworkers can see the baby. Long car rides are definitely NOT fun with newborns. Once the car stopped moving, the baby started crying. Then I had to do some crazy maneuver to get a pacifier in his mouth while driving. So dangerous I know. That's why I ended up having to exit the freeway just to achieve that. Since I have no been that great about blogging, I decided I'm going to combine my "Surviving and Road to Body Recovery" entries together.

As I left off last time, I've been supplementing with formula at night. That has been working out better for me. I only have to wake up 3 times to feed at night. Between that though I still have issues with getting him to fall asleep soundly. I feel like the moment I put him down he starts wiggling, (even with the Swaddle Me on) and next thing you know I'm out of bed again. Speaking of the which, Trent's crying. I guess he is 20 minutes early for his feeding.

So at night I hear Trent grunt, a lot. I think he's trying to poop or he's trying to fart. I don't know and his grunting keeps both me and him up. It's a little different this time around because once I hear him move around a little bit I immediately wake up and wait for his first cry and I get him. I wish I didn't have to because I don't like the idea of picking him up right away when he cries. I don't want him to get accustomed to it, but I feel bad because I know Brandon will get woken up more or sooner than needed. Before, Chase had his own room. We actually put him in his crib really early on and if his crying wasn't loud enough to wake me then I wouldn't go and get him. I feel like now, every little noise I hear it wakes me up. Overall though, it was better than before. I am even getting to take an hour to two hour nap in the afternoon before I pick up Chase from school. Yesterday and today I'm not going to get to. I'm getting to know him a little bit more now. I know when he's tired and he's crying. His poop smells now too which is nice so I don't have to undress him to check at night.

Today Trent weighed in at 8lbs 14ozs. I went to apply for WIC and they have to weigh the kids. That's a whole pound more than just a week ago! Although here, they leave him clothed and at the doctors office he's undressed so maybe we can take a couple ounces off. But that a good sign that he's gaining weight. I was afraid that when I nurse him, he's not getting enough milk. I just don't feel my milk come in as frequently and I don't feel like my breasts are getting as engorged. They seem almost normal size.

Here's Trent at 3 weeks :) He makes a lot of funny faces and most of them are very serious. Although, he laughs his butt off when he sleeps and it's the cutest thing!


My Third Week Postpartum (My road to body recovery)

Okay, I have not been wearing my belly wrap thing. It's so uncomfortable because it slides up when I sit and it pushes up under my boobs. I'm trying to wear it more when I'm out because I know I'll be standing more but it's just very uncomfortable. I've been looking into other ones that they sell at the store. I figured maybe it's because this one is free from the hospital? I saw this Belly Bandit, and I don't know I think it's going to be the same. I have to see it in person. The issue I have with mine is that it's too wide so its very uncomfortable. I feel like I should just use some sort of athletic wrap like the ones they used for sprained ankles instead. Maybe that would make it more comfortable. I have lost another 5 lbs since they had to weigh me at WIC today. I weigh 110lbs. Which means I'm 5 lbs away from my original weight. As you can see from the pictures, my stomach still looks the same. There's still a pouch of flabby skin and I think it's going to take exercising for that to go away. It is still sore around the skin under my belly button. I wonder when is that going to go away.

BTW, I forget how many weeks you have to wait until you can have sex again. I want to know honestly, how long do most women wait before they decide to for the first time. How long do they wait until their husbands/boyfriends starts asking. So far it's only been 3 weeks and Brandon swears it's been a lifetime! I'm curious how long do most women really wait?!?

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