Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Surviving the Second Week

So I've been having issues with Trent's sleeping pattern. I expected the lack of sleep and waking up every two hours, but this kid has taken it to the extreme. I feel like I have to nurse him every hour and half and sometimes at night, every hour!

The other night starting at 10pm, he woke up at 12, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Yes, he slept in two hour increments then decided to wake up every hour. Between that hour though, he's also up for about 10-15 minutes. It was killing me. I expected lots of waking up in the middle of the night, but it seemed everytime I put him down, 15 minutes later he would wake up. The Swaddle Me worked the first night but it didn't after that. I was starting to think maybe he had a change of mind and decided that he didn't like the restricted feeling. He moves his arms and legs so much in his sleep that he wakes himself up!

I feel like my left boob isn't producing enough milk and my right one is producing too much to a point where he chokes. He also falls asleep so quickly when he nurses. I tried changing his diaper in the middle of his feeding just to wake him up. I've tried tickling him, stroking his cheeks, rubbing his head. I think he just doesn't get enough milk from nursing because he falls in this deep sleep. Then the moment I put him down, he realizes that he's restless because he's full?

So last night, I supplemented with formula for his night time feeding. In a way I felt guilty because I knew I had perfectly good breastmilk. I was desperate to see if there is a difference though. That maybe he just wasn't getting enough to eat which caused him to wake up frequently. He had 2 oz of formula at 9pm and he slept until 2am. It was AMAZING. I also gave him another 2oz when he woke up at 2am and he slept til 6am! I even checked on him in the middle of the night to make sure he was still alive! After that I nursed him in the morning and still am throughout the day. I'm going to try supplementing with formula tonight to see if it works again. I don't know why I feel so guilty for giving him formula. I know it's just because I know I'm capable of breastfeeding. It's just that he drinks the bottle faster so he actually gets the amount of milk he needs before he doze off.

Heres my lil nugget at almost 2 weeks. He's filling out more now and getting less wrinkly. I was worried about how I was going to love another baby as much as I love Chase, but I must say it is not hard especially when Chase has been going through his attitude and defiance! At least this one doesn't talk back lol.

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