Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I hate my OB..

I had my doctors appointment yesterday. I'm going to start going to my appointments every 3 weeks instead of the usual 4 now! It means it's getting closer. I now weigh 124lbs and I started at 107lbs. I've been gaining about 6-7 lbs a month now. That explains why I'm starting to get uncomfortable and having trouble rolling out of bed. Literally, I have to roll out of bed. 

I don't recall if I've written about my OB before..but I don't really like my doctor. Every time I go, I feel a little more...what's the word dissatisfied? I understand that this is my second pregnancy so I don't need the hand holding, but I want to feel a warm welcoming feeling with my doctor, a bond! Literally, I go to my appointments  and I ask him questions and he's so blah and brief about it. He doesn't ask me how I'm doing or any small talk. I know it's not necessary but wouldn't you want to build some sort of relationship with your patient especially if you're going to help deliver their baby into this world? I don't need him to be fake and ask me about my life story but maybe a little more personable would be nice. It's to a point where it makes me feel uncomfortable and not that excited about my visits. He doesn't even look happy half the time which drives me crazy. He just looks at me like alright there's a heartbeat, this is what you need. Get out. 

I wish I changed OB's sooner and I almost want to right now still but I feel like I'm so far along in my pregnancy that it's too late. What the difference though if he hasn't even done anything for me to begin with. When I go in, he doesn't even know anything about me. He doesn't remember my due date or how far along I am. It makes me feel like maybe I don't trust him to perform a C-Section on me. I mean that's serious surgery!

I'm so unhappy with my doctor and it bothers me. With my first OB, they were so friendly and my doctor was outgoing. He made me feel relaxed and excited about the baby and I looked forward to my visits. We actually talked about the pregnancy and it felt casual. They also gave me ultrasound's whenever they had time and was just very welcoming. Yesterday, I asked the nurse there (the nurses are nice) if she thinks I could ask my doctor for another ultrasound. I know that I had my ultrasound already and he saw it was a boy and so did Brandon, but for some reason..I didn't. With Chase it was obvious that he was a boy and I think because I couldn't see kind of bugs me. I felt like Rachel in that episode of FRIENDS where she just couldn't see it! 

She told me to ask my doctor when he came in, he might. So when he came in, he goes I heard you wanted to ask for another ultrasound. I told you it was a boy wasn't it? I wrote it on the paper that it was a boy. It's 99% accurate, it wasn't like I put maybe. So I explain to him why I wanted another one, but it's okay if he doesn't. He goes on about my medical only allows for two and he would have to request it and blah blah. Honestly, you have the machine in the freaking office. Is it really that hard to just look again free of charge? My old doctor did at least 4 and they didn't make a big deal out of it. Maybe I was spoiled by the convenience. 

Anyways, I hate my OB. Every time I go there I dislike him more and more. His personality bugs the crap out of me. I don't even like seeing him because I feel like he's a gray cloud over my prenatal visits. I go in and the appointment takes about 3 minutes and most of the time it's me asking him questions. He barely even looks up from his computer thingy. Ugh. I don't know what to do. I almost wish he won't be the one to delivery the baby.

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