Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oh no! Itchy Belly!

My stomach has been SOOOO ITCHY today. I'm trying so hard not to scratch but instead use a rubbing motion. I have been trying everything I can to prevent stretch marks on my stomach. I was lucky enough to go through my pregnancy with Chase unscathed. I have a feeling I won't be as lucky the second time around. I read that its hereditary and all these lotions and oils really have nothing to do with it, but I don't care I'm willing to try. Ever since the day I found out I was pregnant. I've been lubing my belly with Palmers Stretch Mark cream. I do it every night after I shower. I think it's time I increase the frequency to morning and night. I also carry around a tube of it in my purse. Towards the end of the pregnancy is when you grow the most and more rapidly. I believe stretch marks are caused by sudden stretching of the skin. So drastic weight gain or maybe even weight loss? I could be wrong don't quote me.

I've been wearing a lot of maxi dresses ever since I've been too big to fit into anything comfortable. I snuck into the bathroom to put this on and frankly I'm not sure if I love the scent. The one I have at home does not smell like this and before when I've purchased this one, it didn't smell like it. It doesn't smell bad, it just smells like...chocolate?? I quite pin point what the scent is. Anyways, I swear by this and hopefully it won't disappoint with this pregnancy. 

1 comment:

  1. I used it day and night with O. I went all the way to 37 weeks without any stretch marks, then I stretched too far. LOL. If you don't like the scent, might want to check out the Burts Bee one.
