Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day vs Mother's Day

I came across this funny and insightful article, written by a father (I'm guessing) and he talks about what his idea of what Father's Day should be like.

"No I Will Not Fix the OverFlowing Toilet Today-The Dadspin of Father's Day Manifesto"

When I read this article, I thought about how true it must be. I think that would probably be a pretty darn close idea of what my fiance thinks Father's Day should be. I think I did a pretty good job of coming close to that except for a couple snags a long the way.

So I had gotten a grill for Brandon last month as an early Father's Day present. I was really on the fence about it, because I feel like whenever you get someone an early present and the actual day finally comes, it has already been forgotten! So I decided to go get Brandon the most perfect card so I could surprise him with it Sunday morning and make him breakfast. Of course, I forget the card at work on Friday and end up empty handed. I woke up with Chase in the morning, although Brandon is physically incapable of sleeping in. I swear he needs to live in a bat cave to stay asleep in the morning. Then of course as I'm done putting breakfast on the table for Chase I realized...OMG WE HAVE A MAGGOT PROBLEM! This happens quite frequently in the summertime at our house. I think it's because our house get's so hot and if we don't take out the trash in a couple days and there's something raw in there we get maggots. It's the grossest thing. There were maggots on the kitchen floor and they had venture out into the living room carpet area. So I'm desperately trying to vacuum the kitchen while Chase is eating breakfast, then I start going in the living room. I had every intention to let Brandon sleep in and not bother him, but I obviously have a serious issue. I keep vacuuming and the maggots are just coming out of the trash can and I can't do both at the same time. I yelled for him to take the trash out for me so I can vacuum the entire house and redo the kitchen again.

Of course he stayed awake after that and I took Chase with me for a morning walk with Kat and that gave him some alone time to relax. I was gone for about 2 hours. I came home took a quick shower and he took off for the bar from 1-5:00pm. I even went grocery shopping with Chase and got stuff to bbq and had the whole neighborhood over and pretty much the guys hung out on the patio, bbq'd and drank while the women stayed in the house with all the kids.

I would say in my opinion that, that was a pretty darn good Father's Day for him. Yes, he had to wake up and take out the trash and yes, he did end up giving Chase a bath that night because of the fact that it's just kind of hard for me since I'm pregnant. Overall, I cleaned the house before people came over, after people came over and kept Chase out of his hair the whole day while he drank his liver away with his friends!

So after reading this vent online about what men really wants for Father's Day, I must admit I'm giving myself props for being pretty damn close.

NOW, I wonder if any MOM's have written a vent for Mother's Day. For the last two years, my Mother's Day has not been anything remotely CLOSE to what I wanted. The first year, Brandon did surprise me with 3 presents that were sentimental, like a picture frame collage with pictures of us as a family (very cute), and two other decorative pictures. As I recall, for the last two years I woke up with Chase early in the morning. I still made him breakfast and changed his diaper. I still did my duties as a mom and spent time with Chase and took care of him when Brandon's sleeping in. I hate the double standard of how much men milk Father's Day. Even though I didn't get my ideal Mother's Day, it didn't stop me from trying to give Brandon the best Father's Day ever though. I guess I'm just not that bitter. Reading this article though, definitely made me want to make my own "What Mom's Really Want" for Mother's Day vent.

"I Should Not Have to Ask You to Change A Dirty Diaper- A Mom's spin on Mother's Day"

1. I agree: "No time limit on Mom's sleep in." If you're going to let me sleep in, I don't care if I decide to waste half my day away laying in bed. I want the full privilege. That means, shut the bedroom door on your way out and leave me alone.

2. I agree: "Mom get's to shower as long as she wants." I'm not usually allowed to shower for more than 15 minutes without hearing shit for it. When I finally do shower, it's usually late at night. I want to shower for as long as I want and take my time for my full beauty routine without the kid coming in the room tugging at my robe, hiding between my legs and doing the reach up on the counter and grab whatever they can find and run.

3. NO CHORES. That doesn't mean leave the dishes in the sink til the next day so I can wash them when it's not Mother's Day anymore. It means to actually clean the house and to keep it clean the way I would.

4. Take some initiative. That means actually feed him and change his diaper without me having to remind you to. I shouldn't have to remind you that our kid needs to eat and drink water. Oh yeah, and that poopy diaper, I know you smell it. I shouldn't have to change a poopy diaper on Mother's day and I shouldn't have to ask you to. Take some initiative!

5.  Mom's not cooking anything. Unless, I'm making myself a snack I'm not going to worry about what to feed the kid for breakfast or lunch. Don't forget snacks for the little one too. I also get to pick what I want to eat for dinner. No questions asks. I don't care if you don't feel like eating asian food cuz that's what we're having.

Pretty much all I want for Mother's Day is a day in which I am acknowledged for my hard work as a mom. I want some appreciation, and sometimes to be appreciated is for the other person to walk a day in your shoes. I want just one day of getting some really good help with the kid. I'm not going to be over dramatic and demanding. If you want to go outside for a cigarette, I'm not going to tell you to take the kid with you. I'm not going to pretend that I don't have a kid. I just want a day where maybe for once instead of me waiting hand and foot on your little one, that I can relax and have the dad worry about things.

This is in no reflection of the Mother's Day I've had so far btw. This is just a general idea of what I look for in a Mother's Day whether I get it or not.

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