Tuesday, July 17, 2012

No more Baby Chase..he's toddler Chase now :(

Let's face it, he hasn't been baby Chase in a really long time. I think we just try not to think about how fast he's growing up but it's undeniable. Especially, when we have big moments like..his first night sleeping in a bed!

Last night, for the first time we decided it was time to make the big transition to move him into a bed. That way we have time to get him adjusted before the baby takes over the crib. I read that you have to do it months prior so he doesn' feel like he's getting "kicked out" of the crib because of the new baby. We've had the crib for over a week now. We put it together last week but didn't have the wood  to put under the mattress for support. When he jumps on it, he falls in and when we lay on it with him we all fall in. Yesterday, my fiance finally brought home some 4x4's to put under the bed. To be honest, we have no idea what we're doing. What the "proper way" is to transition him into a bed. He's never slept in a bed before. We are not supporters of co-sleeping and I'm not going to get into that controversial conversation right now, if ever. :)
He thinks a bed is to jump on. He climbs into our bed sometimes and sits down and pulls the blanket up to his chest and says night night. But, if we ever try to get him to sleep in our bed he would just laugh and play.

We decided to wait until he's very tired before we put him down for bed. He usually lays in his crib for a while before he falls asleep and we're worried that he's just going to jump on it, or climb right out and open the door. Last night, we put him down for bed at about 10pm. His bedtime is 8pm. I had him lay down on the couch with me for a long time with dim lighting just to get him relaxed. Then we tried to prep him by telling him that tonight he's going to sleep in his big boy car bed and that he's not a baby anymore. We did our usual routine, kisses and group hugs. Then Brandon laid down on the car bed with him until he fell asleep. For the first time, we actually used a baby monitor the whole night. We recently got a video monitor from Groupon (I think it sucks by the way) so I had it on the whole night and woke up several times to check on him through the monitor. We were more concerned that he was going to roll off the side of the bed because he's a crazy sleeper! He sleeps sideways, upside down..you just never know where he's going to end up. I didn't sleep very well. We haven't used a baby monitor since maybe after the first week of him sleeping in his own room. His room is right next to ours and I guess our theory is, if he's not crying loud enough..then he's okay to self soothe and cry it out. I read somewhere that having a baby monitor sometimes isn't always the best for the parents or the baby. Because you're hearing every little thing and you wake up and the sound of a turn, a cough and sometimes even a whimper.

Last night at 4am, he sat up and cried. I went in the room and laid down with him. He started drifting off back to sleep. I got up and told him, okay buddy it's night night time. He didn't even cry. He did wake up awfully early this morning, but he didn't cry like he was confused. He just stayed in bed and yelled for mommy. I watched him for a couple minutes through the monitor just to see what he was going to do. He did nothing out of the ordinary. He did what he normally did in his crib. He just rolled around like the wiggle worm he is.

We survived our first night of him sleeping in his bed. I'm sure all of us are suffering. I didn't sleep well. Let's face it, I'm 9 months pregnant..I haven't slept well in a while. I'm sure he didn't sleep well either but maybe he'll adjust? I think it's because he moves so much and the sound of his mattress is pretty annoying I must admit. But, his other mattress is the same way!

I must say I feel accomplished. I really was worried about how we were going to get him adjusted. It's moments like this though, that makes being a first time parent exciting. It truly is a journey and a learning experience because with Trent, we're not going to have that newbie feeling. We would've done it and experienced it already. Chase will always be the one we experience all of our first with.

I can't believe he's turning 2 this Sunday. It is mind boggling how fast time has gone by and how much he has grown. I swear in the last week he's gotten taller, speaks more words and his personality has gotten even weirder.

Our little baby Chase is all grown up..

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