Monday, April 9, 2012

Maybe next time Easter!

So this weekend would've been Chase's first Easter. I feel like a terrible mom, but we did not celebrate AT ALL. Let me start off by saying, I wanted to really bad but I just didn't know how!

I grew up in a family that didn't really celebrate anything. We weren't enthusiastic about anything, let's just put it that way. We didn't have a Christmas tree or decorated the house (unless if I did it), no big Thanksgiving dinner and even on Chinese New Years we just had dinner and the usual. Easter was definitely a forgotten holiday. I don't even know what celebrating Easter should be like. This year I thought I was going to have enough money to make Chase and the neighborhood kids Easter baskets. I don't even know what to put in them, but I was going to attempt to try. However, I'm really tight on money right now so I didn't get a chance to do that. When Friday came around, I told my fiance that I would really like to take Chase to do something Easter. Maybe at the city park where they would have Easter activities like egg hunts and such. We ended up going to the swap meet with some friends.

I know that Chase isn't going to remember and he had fun that day regardless, but I FEEL BAD! I told myself once I started my own family that I am going to celebrate every holiday. My fiance and I have gotten a Christmas tree every year since we've lived together and we've had Christmas dinner at our house since then as well. I mean a traditional Christmas dinner. We usually celebrate Thanksgiving with his grandma and I decorate for Halloween and took Chase trick-or-treating.

I think my fiance was really bummed that we didn't have anything planned for Easter and that it didn't feel Easter-y that there was no point in trying to celebrate anyways? I had to explain to him that I've never celebrated Easter before so he's got to help me out in this department because I don't even know what we're suppose to do! Maybe next year we'll go out and spend it with grandma..

On another note, I had a great 3 day weekend. My friend Jaccie came up to spend the day with me Friday. Me and her spent many inseparable years together. We lived together from 17-22 and most of those years we even shared a room together. When we hang out, it's effortless. We don't have to talk, we don't have to plan anything fun. We can just sit and watch TV and it feels so normal. When I left San Diego, I left my entire life behind. It was very sudden and even though it's not that far, it's also not that close. Out of everything and everybody, I must admit I miss her the most. I miss having a best friend. I moved around a lot when I was young so I never stayed anywhere long enough to have a best friend or a friend I've known for more than 3 years. For the first time in my life, I felt like I had a best friend..she was more like a sister to me. We have definitely grown a little bit apart because we don't see each other much anymore and both of our lives have changed drastically (mainly mine). But whenever we are together it feels the same. I know it sounds so cheesy. I really miss having my best friend around. I miss having my own friends around. I've grown to love the people I've made friends with since I've been with Brandon, but it's still not the same as your own friends that you meet and bond on your own terms.

We had a bbq Friday night, which turned into a neighborhood thing. I think half the neighborhood was in our tiny 2 bedroom condo. It was fun though, it's nice to do things on a Friday night, it makes your weekend seem longer. We went to the swap meet and I got a cute dress for $18. It was so freaking hot that I am not looking forward to summer.

Chase has been in a reaally good mood lately. I don't want to jinx it but a month ago he was just in this terrible crabby mood. He was like this angry teenager that just didn't want anything but wanted everything at the same time. It was a really rough patch I must admit because that's the last thing you want to deal with after a long day of work. Lately, he's been really goofy, extremely hyper and just lots of fun! He still has his moments but it's definitely not as bad as it was before. He has even picked up a few new words and tries to copy more words. We still haven't gotten him to pedal on his bike yet but at least he gets the idea of trying to keep his foot on the pedal. Maybe it's still too soon, but I feel like the earlier we introduce it to him the earlier he might just get it. I love that little booger more and more everyday. He's so much more cuddlier and I love it. When Chase was a baby, we made sure that he wasn't going to be one of those babies that needs to be held all the time. It was hard to do because at one point, he just didn't like to be held period! I see other people's son who would fall asleep in their arms and I'm like aw, isn't that sweet. Well, Chase is definitely a cuddler now and I love it!

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