Monday, June 25, 2012

6 Weeks 1 1/2 Day Left...

Having a pregnant belly is like walking around with a sign that says "topic of discussion." I go to the bathroom, break room and I have random women or coworkers always ask me "how are you feeling?"  I always answer with, oh I'm doing good. I barely feel pregnant at all. 

I've been very fortunate to have very easy going pregnancies. Hell, I'm so easy going I think both my fiance and I forget that I am sometimes. He sure as hell can't complain. I don't get moody, no crazy cravings, no morning sickness and I'm in a good mood (for the most part)! Lately, when people ask me how I'm doing I realize my answer has become more and more grouchy. Now when they ask me, "how are you feeling?" My answer is always a complaint. "Oh, I'm uncomfortable..I can't sleep. I'm grumpy."

So how long does it take until a perfectly healthy pregnant woman go from happy-go-lucky pregnant to I'm-so-over-it pregnant? 8 months and 2 weeks. I've officially become that miserable, grumpy pregnant woman that just wants to go on maternity leave so I can relax and not have to physically do a thing. 

I've never let my pregnancy interfere with my daily life. I still cooked, cleaned, bathe Chase, carry him up and down the stairs, grocery shop..the list goes on. I guess I didn't believe in "milking" my pregnancy. I must say, this time around physically it has been a lot more draining for me. I think it's because I have Chase to chase after, so I literally feel like I don't have any time to physically or mentally relax. When I say relax, I mean lay in bed or on the couch all day and not have to worry, chase, cater or scold. Most of all, I mean sleeping in. I've always been a creature that requires A LOT of sleep. One that thing I definitely do miss about being childless, is being able to sleep in til whenever I want. Actually make that two, I also would like to nap whenever I please. I don't get the luxury of sleep anymore. Of all the things I've sacrificed, that is the only thing I yearn for the most. I don't care that I can't sit down and enjoy my food, I don't care that we no longer go out and eat at restaurants when ever we please, I don't care that my sleeves has become a napkin for his nose. I don't care about any of that. I just wished on the weekend, I could sleep until I want to wake up. I want to be able to fall asleep on the couch while watching TV whenever I please. 

Okay, I'm getting off track. My point is, I feel like I went from I'm doing great as a pregnant woman to I don't want to be pregnant anymore. I want my old body back, I want to be able to sleep somewhat comfortably without backaches, without tossing and turning, without tasting stomach acid in the back of my throat while I'm asleep, without peeing 3 times a night.  I want to be able to clean and not feel repercussions later. 

Yesterday, I went into this crackhead cleaning mode. I cleaned for about 2 hours or more probably, did 3 loads of laundry, vacuumed, cleaned the floors, wiped cabinet doors, ceiling, dusted, wiped things down. I was on a freaking roll. I was pumped with so much adrenaline that I didn't really feel like my pregnancy was weighing me down at all. Hell, I was standing on my kitchen counter to wipe the stains off my kitchen ceiling! When I had finally stopped and the adrenaline wore off..oh my god. I would never randomly think wouldn't a  foot soak be nice (considering I've never had one), but man that's what I felt like would soothe my feet. My back was aching so bad that when I tried to stand up, I almost felt like I needed help just to straighten up! I was bent over like I needed some WD40 to grease me up! I felt really drained by the end of the day like I had been walking for hours. 

I think I only have about 2 more weeks of work left til I'm off. I'm excited because one I don't have to make that crazy drive anymore and two that gives me time to actually get stuff done around the house. 

I can't believe we're gonna have another baby. I know I complain about how drained I am now, but I know I'm going to regret it when I spend the next year waking up multiple times throughout the night. I'm hoping that this time, Trent would get the Chu's sleeping pattern and sleep through the night. 

Chase might look like me, but he's totally Brandon. He has his dad's personality. Stubborn as a mule, easily frustrated, light sleeper, likes to throw things and impatient. Here's a funny story. We're teaching Chase to put different shapes into this toy. He got so frustrated when he couldn't figure out where the star goes, he managed to fit a star shape through the circle slot lol. He made it work somehow. That is Brandon for you. If it's not working, you hit it til it works and if it still doesn't work, you throw it. 


  1. You had a nestling.
    I heard many pregnant women who are almost due start to clean the room and house like crazy persons. I didn't have it though...

    I hope you get to somewhat relax after the maternity leave :)

    1. I've heard about nesting as well, but I've always been a freak about cleaning so maybe it amplifys it.

      I'll still have Chase most of the time when I'm on maternity leave. I don't think there's such thing as relaxing when you have a kid. Enjoy it while it lasts Hitomi! It only gets harder :)
